Holding back the tears, while faking a smile and telling people that you are OK is very painful.. Pain changes people, it makes them trust less and shut others out of their life ... We're all in the same game on different winding paths .. We're all dealing with the same hell (3D) but with different devils..
It's OK, Warrior, to lay down your sword and cry..... Then, when you are ready, pick that bad boy back up and start swinging!!
PS Awesome poem...
Living on a string of life,
: connected, yet feeling the cry of a thousand souls,
: as I hang, suspended, between light and dark on the
: precipice.
: Drop, and return.
: Devil won't take me.
: Lord forsakes me.
: At the brink of the precipice.
: Drop down again and again...
: The steel on the edge...
: Honed, Immaculate.
: A crying babe,
: My life made, but for that all is lost...
: Again, into the maelstrom of life which I cannot measure,
: but for one, crying babe in the wilderness of my mind.
: The man who has sent a thousand souls to death,
: and wished for one to pierce his heart that he may be at rest.
: Searches, forlorn, again,
: What may you throw against me that I may not toss?
: When my depths have been strewn as the innards of a whale upon
: the waters, take all sustenance you lovers of Mannon.
: Eat my liver.
: Take all mortal remains and remnants afforded to you....
: Enjoy....
: For I am not of this world.