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Jerusalem, Ancient Egyptians, & the All Seeing Eye

Posted By: Paralemptor
Date: Wednesday, 13-February-2019 15:28:56

In the name Heru lies the origins of the name Jesus. Heru or the Greek Horus was converted to Huious (also Greek) which was eventually converted to Jesus (Prounounced Hey-Zus) in Latin and eventually was converted to Jesus (as in Geez-Us) in English. Jerusalem is a composite Kemetic and Hebrew word (Heru-SALEM) meaning Heru’s City of Peace. This dates back to the time of Amen Hotep III father of Akhenaton who ruled this area while on the throne of Egypt. In Latin J actually has an ‘H’ sound, in time Heru-Salem or Heru Salaam became Jerusalem.

EnhancedDollarHeru, Freemasons, and the Great Seal

The “All Seeing Eye” is the symbol of Heru who we today call Jesus. Anthony Browder in his book titled, “Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization stated, ”The pyramid and the eye above it (which represents the eye of Heru-the son of God) clearly establishes an Egyptian link with the reverse of the Great Seal. The obverse of this seal is strikingly similar to the Nile Valley image of Heru, and the differences represent the cultural nuances which were unique to the United States. Above the eagle’s head are 13 stars which arranged in the form of the Magen David, which is also called the Seal of Solomon. This is an ancient symbol that predates Judaism and represents two pyramids. The two pyramids symbolize the two pillars of Solomon, which play significant role in ritualistic masonry.
(Reference: Anthony T. Browder: “Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization” pg. 203).

Ancient Egyptians Believed in One God

The term ‘Neteru’ means the “Attributes of God” as understood by those of Kemet (i.el, the Ancient Egyptians). The neteru who were called “gods” by some, were endorsed and incorporated into Christianity under a new name, “angels”. The ancient Egyptian word “neter,” and its feminine form “netert,” have been wrongly, and possible intentionally, translated as “god” and “goddess,” by almost all scholars. There is no equivalent word in meaning, to the word “neter,” in the English language. Honest translation should use the native word, if they cannot find its equivalent in their language. “Neteroo” (plural of “neter/netert”) are the Divine Principles and Functions that operate the Universe. They are all aspects and functions of the One Supreme God. The words “god” and “goddess” leave the impression that ancient Egyptians had a multitude of gods, which is absolutely untrue. An Egyptian neter/netert was not a god/goddess but the personification of a function/attribute of the One God.

Simply when reading of Osiris and Horus and Isis as well as other “neteru” or “gods of Egypt” we are not speaking of “literal historical people” or actual “competitive gods of the One God” but Divine Concepts that operate in this One God that are very real that are later personified by the Egyptian Spiritual Masters to help mankind better understand and relate to his God and Creator.

This concept is copied in the trinity of the Christian faith and few know it. This explains why “pagan” nation after nation express these same “Divine Concepts” under different names and we ridicule them as “stupid” when a proper understanding of this Divine expressed in these concepts is absolutely breathtaking when you see them as they were understood by the Ancients. Our blindness today is due to Rome who burned the worlds libraries and murdered millions to cover up the fact that their “literalization” of these “allegorical expressions of God” was a lie. They basically “literalized” the Christ within as a historical “god-man” whom we know today as “Jesus” to give validity to their Emperor as the Roman “god-man”. Today we don’t know this when reading accounts of a “literal” and a “supposed historical Jesus” but in fact the “Christ” was always real…but not a historical person but rather “persons” for God’s Christ dwells within us all as does this God Whom we love and Whom Manifests Himself as Osiris, Isis, Horus, etc. When we speak of “resurrection from the dead” we speak of the reality of Osiris. It is but a picture expressing a holy and Divine concept which tragically down through history lost its true meaning and today as Christians we truly look through a glass darkly. Tragically the Christians of todays have lost the true “gnosis” behind these concepts, we are the one’s who live in a dark age and have been for over 2000 years now.

I’m assuming you all know the story of Ausar, Auset and Heru. But briefly, the God Ausar and the Goddess Auset were King and Queen in Kamet. Their brother, the God Set was jealous of Ausar and murdered Him. He took Ausar’s body and threw it in the river. Auset was then removed from power and Set took over the rule of the country, reigning as a tyrant. Auset searched tirelessly for the body of Her Husband. When She found Him She performed ritual. Through ritual, the Spirit of the God Ausar came to Auset, and through Their Divine spiritual union Auset became pregnant with Heru.

Of course, this is the origin of the story of Auset Merit (Mary) being impregnated by the Holy Spirit of God the Father (Ausar) and conceiving the Son of God (Khensu/Hesus/Jesus). Auset was told by Tehuti (the God of Wisdom) that Heru would grow strong and defeat the rule of Set. Tehuti then directed Auset to hide in the swamps of North Kamet to raise the child in secret. Set (the red-evil one) was corrupted into Set-an (or Satan), the red devil (read more here). He sought to kill Heru, because he knew of the prophecy that Heru would grow to defeat Him and restore the kingdom of His Father Ausar. This is the origin of mary going to northern egypt with “jesus” to avoid the wrath of the evil king who sought to kill all newborn boys. It is also the origin of the ‘angel’ gabriel coming to mary and telling her that she would give birth to the sun/son of god. These stories have been told in many ways and in many cultures (like Babylon) before they become the Bible stories we were taught in Sunday School.

So Much More Here !


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