This whole male-female thing is just as classic misdirect. The teachers and the experts have managed, again, to move focus from the painting to a few brush strokes.
Male-female are simply a set of opposing potentials no different than black/white, up/down, gravity/levity, right/left, is-tense/ex-is-tense and just a whole big bunch more. All of these sets serve a specific purpose and all are necessary. The flashlight won't shine without a positive -and- a negative potential.
The one thing that all of these sets have in common is that they are all subsets of Potential. Potential is the canvas on which subsets are applied to create the larger picture. Subsets enable brushstrokes.
The most dangerous weapons in this world are teachers and experts. :-)
: Hey Morgan..
: I get what you are saying but having been raised in a family
: of 7 children and having three of my own (two males-one
: female) I see biological differences that have little or
: nothing to do with they way they were raised.
: My children played with G.I. Joe.. Dinosaurs, Tanks, Tonkas
: and Barbie. All of them. The boys picked up the 'crying'
: doll and patted it on the back too.. The boys, however,
: climbed more trees-fences-walls, fought with other boys in
: the neighborhood and did things that made my mom's hair
: curl.. Dana is more introverted, by nature. She climbed
: trees too but I can't ever recall her wrestling her friends
: on the front lawn for fun .. Now smacking her brothers for
: taking something of hers, oh yeah!
: We had 7 children in my family and no, we were not catholic
: :-) We girls went on hunting trips with the boys and my dad
: and I must say I loathed housework, doing dishes, cleaning
: up boys messes etc.. We all shot rifles, camped, hiked,
: fished (which I hated cus you have to kill something) and
: on dads police salary we all wore jeans and t-shirts. We
: dressed up on occasion (like Easter or a wedding) but most
: of our clothes were hand me downs from the brother or
: sister older then you (jeans and t-shirts).. Strangely
: though, when I began buying my own clothes with my own
: money.. I wanted more feminine things.. We all dug tunnels,
: played with Tonka trucks or ran through the creek behind
: our house and then played we'd all sit down and play
: 'store' with fake food and with Barbie (even my brothers)..
: imho feminine energy is one way and masculine energy is
: another way, people may perceive my comments as sexist or
: as a put-down. Not so! .. You can be a female with male
: energy or a male with female energy but biological hormones
: come into play..
: Masculine and feminine behavior traits are programmed in the
: brain in the womb... If the brain receives more
: testosterone, it will be programmed with certain masculine
: traits. More estrogen will program the brain with more
: feminine traits... So, the tom boy girl (which was me) or
: the mama's boy male simply have had a slightly different
: blend of hormones during development...
: From and esoteric or even a majic point of view..
: IMHO we are Yin and Yang energy.. Fire and water.. Male are
: Fire and females are water.. That's OK.. Water always wins.
: It shapes and molds, can defeat fire or if threatened it
: can become vapor and escape.. It doesn't usually attack but
: always wins the last battle.. And if you piss her off
: (water) .. Well, have you ever seen what a flood can do or
: watched Ice crack hard concrete?? When you mix fire and
: water energies, you create .. The same with any opposites..
: I'm not trying to change your point of view, just simply
: expressing how I see it in a material and spiritual way..
: Lynda