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Re: In short form.

Posted By: Mike
Date: Friday, 15-February-2019 17:21:15

In Response To: Re: In short form. (Mike)

This is referring to material in the above two articles.

Working from the outside of "government" towards the inside will get nothing accomplished. Absolutely nothing.

The outside is a thick shell of individuals and groups, some with similar interests and some with directly opposing interests. It's a mixed bag that Santa couldn't budge with a thousand reindeer.

You cannot penetrate this shell. It is anchored and reinforced from the inside.

The inside is a realm of darkness in which dwell dark creatures with darker intents. There is no light. None. And you cannot see in that darkness.

Dog can see in the dark.

Dog has a range of operation from sit to kill.

Dog is created to be used. An example of use would be that stupid border wall idea. Command dog to menace and bite any, “government” or civilian, who refuses to enforce existing laws that forbid unlawful immigration and laws that will remove unlawful immigrants. If menace and bite are not sufficient then have dog kill the traitors. Then set dog on the borders in kill mode until lessons are learned.

Dog is inside and can see and handle the details that you cannot see or handle. This is what dog was made for.

Too much at stake to play stupid moral games. Nice, civilized, fair, love and light, forgiveness, etc. along with fear of judgment or that odious debt called karma and a number of similar things have been mis and mal-applied until the American republic now lays strapped to the guillotine. The blade is falling.

Those who would not have blood on their spiritual hands, please exercise the grace to step aside. If anything might be salvaged then please exercise the grace to admit that you deserve none of what may have been salvaged.

The democrat half of voters is overtly insane. The republican half of voters is covertly insane. Neither party can or will reason policy according to law. Corporations own everything including the minds and souls of the American People. The act of intelligent reasoning is a crime. Murder of newborn children is legal and soon murder of handicapped children will be legalized as will the murder of adults who's existence is deemed less than cost effective. The list is long. Those things of which Anna Von Reitz and others who have knowledge speak of have been largely known for over fifty years that I am aware of, and things have only changed for the worse. Knowledge is not power when you are a slave.

At this stage of the game the only real option left is to command dog into attack mode and jut let it work havoc on the inside. There is no orderly recovery of the American republic from where we are at. Command dog to pull the supports and cave it in while that is still possible and hope that there is something left to salvage. Once the ship leaves port the slaves chained in the galley will never see land again. Those slaves are you and your children and your grandchildren and everyone you could ever care about.

In closing I would remark on two interesting mysteries.

The first mystery is that those who profess to believe in gods and devils and the attendant service entities cannot or will not consider the possibility of a republic service entity that protects their right to believe in gods and devils. This is rather like tearing off the arm that feeds you.

The second mystery and the more profound is why do I even bother writing about these things.?

This seems to be the last of a series of three articles.

: In the previous article it was stated that dog knows all that
: there is to know about each individual of People. This is
: the mind of dog. It should be addressed.

: People and dog are not separate items. These two things form a
: coherent union, a new creation which can be described as
: People of the republic, or as Sons and Daughters of the
: republic. There is now neither elite nor mundane nor
: stranger nor immigrant nor other. Those who enter into the
: spirit of republic by the ways established in the public
: record are a new creation in dog. They are the People of
: the republic.

: The two esoteric principles used to construct a republic
: entity as well as the idea of republic are easily seen in
: the core of christian gospels, less the chaff.

: The core of the christian teaching is to love god first and
: your neighbor as your self. When winnowed this yields
: appreciate god first and appreciate your neighbor as your
: self. A subsequent winnowing yields the germ of the seed.
: Attribute value to god first and attribute the same value
: to your neighbor that you attribute to your self.

: To make the connection clear, attribute value to dog first
: because dog serves to protect your rights and freedoms, and
: simultaneously attribute the same valuation of your rights
: and freedoms to the rights and freedoms of your neighbor,
: whom dog also serves.

: There are further similarities between the core christian
: teaching and the republic entity.

: In the verse Ask and you shall receive, the word ask is unique
: in that is clearly defined literally as a demand of rights
: due. This is Strongs concordance about forty or so years
: ago and is the only time the word ask is defined in that
: way. It may be obfuscated by now. The point is that the
: word ask explicitly encompasses individual rights and
: authority to demand protection of rights by a service
: entity and the freedoms inherent in the exercise of those
: rights. This is the relationship between People and dog.

: Command me concerning the work of my hands is illustration of
: a service entity waiting for command to task. This is the
: entire purpose of dog's existence.

: You shall ask what you will of the father in my name and it
: will be done for you. I don't recall the word ask being
: defined as demand in this instance but the implication is,
: nonetheless, demand by authority that a service entity
: perform task. People posses authority to demand dog to
: perform task.

: At this point the state of father and dog are the same. They
: are service entities.

: Venturing into the realm of the currently inconceivable one
: might note that Jesus, as founder of the father, assembled
: twelve trustees to source father into existence. One might
: also note that father is managed by authority and command
: of coherents, the same as People manage dog.

: This is interesting in that if the Adamic race and hu-man was
: developed under and party to (signers of; sinners) a
: multi-generational performance contract then the contract
: could be rendered null under certain conditions if father
: were constructed properly. Dog enabled those who came to
: America to attain a state of free People of the republic,
: no longer under the oppressive contracts and conditions of
: their original lands.

: In training the trustees for the task ahead Jesus would say,
: if you have seen me you have seen the father service
: entity.

: In a nutshell, if Jesus was one half jinn and his sire was a
: free jinn then Jesus would have been born as a free
: adamic/jinn hybrid. If then he voluntarily allowed himself
: to be dissolved out of existence with instruction to the
: trustees to source him back into existence at a specific
: time as father service entity then it could be said that he
: died for the sins (signatures) of all and that those who
: cohere to the father service entity are a new creation.
: They become born again as free Sons and Daughters of a free
: father service entity. The Body of the Christ republic. In
: this same way those who cohere to the American republic
: service entity cease being who they were and become a new
: creation which is the People of the republic. They are
: spiritually born again as free Sons and Daughters of the
: republic service entity which was sourced as a free
: entity.. The Body of the American republic.

: Whereas in the father service entity (christ) there is neither
: jew (adamic) nor greek (hu-man at large) nor jinntile
: (races of jinn who co-inhabit earth with adamic and hu-man)
: but rather a new creation, the People of the Christ
: republic. In like manner there is now neither elite nor
: mundane nor stranger nor immigrant nor other in the
: American republic. They are the People of the American
: republic.

: In this nutshell is also explanation for virgin conception as
: jinn can mate with adamic or human females without assuming
: material form, the result being viable offspring.

: Also accounted for is all of the magic which Jesus performed.
: He was half jinn and being of free birth he was not
: prohibited the practice by law or contract.

: Who Jesus' sire was is not speculated upon here. Not enough
: bread crumbs for meaningful extrapolation.

: Without going into details, every adamic or hu-man or jinntile
: has ancestral ability to use magic and sourcing. The right
: to do so is expressly stated in the Christ republic as, the
: works that I do you can also do. The People of the American
: republic have that ancestral right also. The trustees could
: not say that aloud without being burned at the stake. They
: stated that particular right as, those rights not
: specifically enumerated in the public record are reserved
: to the state service entities, or to the People of the
: State republics, with respect to whom they properly belong
: to. Clever.

: The republic service entity of Christ and the the republic
: service entity of America are distinctly separate items but
: there is absolutely no conflict between them. This
: compatibility was clearly stated by Jesus when the trustees
: railed against a man who was doing works in the authority
: of the father (Jesus, soon to be sourced as Christ
: republic/father service entity). Jesus told them to quit.
: He said that a man who understands the father service
: entity cannot easily stand opposed to him. And Jesus was
: correct. A republic by it's very nature can only be
: employed by an enlightened People.

: The enlightened People of different republics will recognize
: differences and make respectful allowances. Peace will be
: the common denominator.

: The only actual difference between the two republics is the
: nature of the service entity.

: Un-enlightened people must must have codes of compliance to
: keep them from eating one-another. The ten commandments,
: the six hundred additional ordinances of the old testament,
: the code of Hammurabi and all another codes of performance
: anywhere are for un-enlightened people. They cannot make
: impartial assessment of intent on a case by case basis.
: Morals and objectivity are inherently lacking. A republic
: would simply be their destruction. Just a fact.

: To finally address the mind of dog.

: The mind of dog is identical to the mind of christ. It is to
: grasp and appreciate the value of the service entity and
: thereby grasp and appreciate the value of one's neighbor as
: one values one's own self. The service entity, the neighbor
: and self become one thing. This is the womb and the
: domicile of compassion and empathy and creativity and
: happiness and all other good things. It is also the domain
: of jealous righteousness, ever on guard against whomever
: would despoil this domicile.

: The mind of dog is a simple thing.

: =======================================================


Articles In This Thread

  • In short form.
    Mike -- Wednesday, 13-February-2019 22:54:15
    • Re: In short form.
      Mike -- Friday, 15-February-2019 17:21:15
      • Re: In short form.
        Mike -- Friday, 15-February-2019 17:21:15

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