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Sharing my experience with The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Posted By: KarinLLightworker
Date: Saturday, 16-February-2019 22:45:11

Sharing my experience with The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Hi, dear Ground Crew;
When the galactic pulse is going to hit you, washing over and through your body, affecting your every cell, do you believe your body can handle that impact? Or do you worry that you may faint and collapse or even die? When people talk about preparation they speak of having water, food, items and money in store for a possible break down of the system during and after any disaster or event.
What about prepping the body?
Humanity will experience the galactic pulse in 7.5 billion individual ways. The range of experience may be from immediate death due to overloading and short-circuiting your system - all the way to instantly upgrading your physical hologram and ascending in your lightbody to graduate from Earth.
As a ground crew member I am living consciously as a conduit or anchor for Source Energy; I always strive to be as clear as I can be, since I'm committed to serve as a portal in creating the New Earth reality. In this article I'd like to share how I increased my physical preparedness.

Sharing my experience with The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush
The greatest contribution to the whole we can make is our own self-healing.
Early on I followed Jesus' advice of “Physician Heal yourself”. At age 72 I haven't seen a doctor in 35 years. Over the decades I accumulated a magic bag of self-healing tools to keep me healthy and vibrant.

One year ago I came across the book “The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush” by Andreas Moritz.
I instantly recognized what a precious gift had come my way! I studied Andreas' website www.ener-chi.com , I read the ebook, watched his youtube interviews, and watched many videos by people who shared their experience with the amazing liver and gallbladder cleanse.
Once I was familiar with the protocol and completely confident that this modality is for me, I gathered the ingredients and started my cleanse in early 2018.
I did a liver and gallbladder flush every three weeks. Altogether I needed 17 flushes. The first three flushes were rather difficult. I realized that I am not as robust as other people. I kept vomiting after the Epsom Salt intake and had to take a new run at it the next day. I felt no pain but unpleasant movement in my liver area. I was nauseous and felt emotionally out of balance. However, things got easier with each cleanse.
I did not expel any stones, instead large amounts of green sludge and gravel came out of my liver. I was shocked to see that my liver was so congested. I have been a vegetarian for most of my life and rarely drank alcohol. In fact, I haven't had any alcohol in decades.
According to Andreas Moritz, 98% of the population have clogged up livers and gallbladders to some degree or another due to living in conditions of heavy air, water and food pollution in our societies.

Andreas Moritz wrote his book “for all those who wish to take responsibility for their own health and who care about the health and wellbeing of their fellow human beings.”

Andreas writes on page 3 of the book:
“If you suffer any of the following symptoms, or similar conditions, you likely have numerous gallstones in your liver and gallbladder:
Low appetite - Diarrhea - Hernia - Dull pain on the right side - Hepatitis - Pancreatitis -
Duodenal ulcers - Depression - Prostate diseases - Menstrual and menopausal disorders -
Skin disorders - Loss of muscle tone - Pain at the top of a shoulder blade and/or between the shoulder blades - Tongue that is glossy or coated in white or yellow - Frozen shoulder -
Headaches and migraines - Sciatica - Knee problems - Chronic fatigue - MS - Excessive heat
and perspiration in the upper part of the body - Difficulty sleeping, insomnia - Hot and cold flashes -
Food cravings - Constipation - Flatulence - Difficulty breathing - Most infections - Heart disease
- Nausea and vomiting - Impotence - Urinary problems - Problems with vision - Liver spots, especially those on the back of the hands and facial area - Excessive weight - Dark color under the eyes - Scoliosis - Stiff neck - Tooth and gum problems - Numbness and paralysis of legs - Osteoporosis - Kidney diseases - Alzheimer’s disease - Very greasy hair and hair loss - Nightmares - Digestive disorders - Clay-colored stool - Hemorrhoids - Liver cirrhosis - High cholesterol - Brain disorders - A ‘bilious’ or angry personality - Other sexual problems - Hormonal imbalances - Puffy eyes - Dizziness and fainting spells - Strong shoulder and back pain - Gout - Asthma - Yellowness of the eyes and skin - Joint diseases - Obesity - Cancer - Cold extremities - Cuts or wounds that keep bleeding and don't want to heal - Stiffness of joints and muscles.” (end of quotation)

About Andreas Moritz
Andreas Moritz was a Medical Intuitive, practitioner of Ayurveda, Shiatsu, Iridology, and other.
He suddenly died in 2012 at age 58.
Andreas developed his liver and gallbladder cleanse in response to his own many childhood illnesses. As a teenager he began studying his case and experimented with his diet. As a young adult he suffered through 40 gallbladder attacks that led him to research and test liver cleansing methods and finally developing his “amazing liver and gallbladder flush”.
Andreas writes: “During my first real liver cleanse, I passed over 500 gallstones. My gallbladder attacks stopped from that very day. After 12 cleanses and 3,500 gallstones less, my liver was completely clean and, at last, my health was the way I always wanted it to be.

“The amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush” was written in 1998. It became very popular and got translated in many languages. There many millions of people all over the world integrating the liver and gallbladder flush in their lives. Andreas wrote 16 more books and gave 220 video and audio interviews.

Excerpts from the book
“Liver congestion and stagnation are among the most common health problems, yet conventional medicine makes no reference to them, nor does it have a way to diagnose these conditions. In other words, liver cleanse is an important chapter missing in the medical profession.”

Andreas says in one of his interviews that his patients were told by their doctors to remove the gallbladder for it is not needed. Yet after removing the gallbladder surgically the digestive system can never function properly again.

“Gallstones are a major cause of illness in the body. They impair the functioning of the most complex, versatile and influential organ of the body—the liver. Nobody has ever devised an artificial liver because it is so complex. Second only to the brain in complexity, the liver masterminds the most intricate processes of digestion and metabolism, thereby affecting the life and health of every cell in the body. By removing the obstacles that prevent the liver from doing its job properly and efficiently, the body can return to a state of continuous balance and vitality.”

“The failure to recognize the incidence of gallstone formation in the liver may very well be the most unfortunate oversight that has ever been made in the field of medicine, both orthodox and complementary. Relying so heavily on blood tests for diagnostic purposes, as conventional medicine does, may be a big disadvantage with regard to assessing liver health. Most people who have a physical complaint of sorts have perfectly normal liver enzyme levels in the blood, despite suffering liver congestion.”

“Age is no impediment for the body to be healthy. As long as your liver is alive, the liver cleanse can help you improve its functions and, thereby, increase the nutrient and energy supply to the cells of your body. The negative aspect of aging is just a progressive state of malnourishment and toxicity, both of which can be helped with a series of liver cleanses and adjustment of diet.”

“Clearing the liver and gallbladder from all accumulated stones helps to restore homeostasis, balance weight and set the precondition for the body to heal itself; it also is one of the best precautions one can take to protect against illness in the future. To have a clean liver is to have a new lease of life.”
“The liver cleanse has direct implications on how you feel about yourself and others. Anger arises when gallstones prevent proper bile flow. A bilious nature is one that keeps toxins trapped—toxins that the liver tries to eliminate via bile. Vice versa, anger can trigger gallstone formation. People who cleaned their liver don't get angry anymore.”

“The liver cleanse is one of the most invaluable and effective methods to regain one’s health. There are no risks involved if all of the directions are followed to the letter. Please take the following instruction very seriously. There are many people who followed a liver flush recipe that they received from friends or through the Internet, and suffered unnecessary complications. They did not have complete knowledge of the procedure and the way it works, and believed that just expelling the stones from the liver and gallbladder is sufficient.”

Brief Description of the Liver and Gallbladder Flush
My intent with this article is to help spreading this simple self-healing method by sharing my own experience. May it inspire you to read the book and watch Andreas Moritz's video interviews, plus youtube videos by people sharing their liver cleanse experience. Again, be advised that the liver and gallbladder flush is not to be taken lightly.

For the 5 – 6 preparation days you need about 5 - 6 teaspoons of food-grade malic acid powder.
(drink 32 oz of malic acid water or 32 oz of apple juice throughout the day)
Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) - 4 tablespoons
Olive oil, best organic quality, 4 oz
2 juicy grapefruit for 6 oz of juice.

I'm going to describe the protocol the way I applied it for my 17 liver and gallbladder flushes.
In preparation I drank for five days 32 oz malic acid water in order to soften the gallstones.
I added some apple juice to improve the taste of the sour water.
I ate my regular mostly vegan diet throughout the preparation days.

Day 5
I had my regular hot oatmeal breakfast.
Between breakfast and lunch I drank 2 glasses of malic acid water.
At 1 pm I had for lunch Basmati rice with broccoli as my last meal of the day. I ate Basmati rice with broccoli as recommended by Andreas as a ritual on day 5 throughout all of my liver cleanses.

At 3 pm, 4 pm, and 5 pm I gave myself a water enema.
I prepared 4 glasses of 6 oz water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salt each, well dissolved.
At 6 pm I drank one serving.
At 8 pm I drank the second serving.
At around 9 pm I went to the toilet several times to eliminate.
I prepared for the actual liver flush at 10 pm.
I set the alarm clock to 6 am. I propped up the pillows.
At 9:45 pm I put 4 oz of olive oil in a mason jar; I squeezed the 2 grapefruit.
I thoroughly shook the concoction of 4 oz olive oil and 6 oz of grapefruit juice.
At 10 pm I drank the mix while standing next to my bed. I immediately laid down, on my back, with propped up pillows, completely still for half an hour. (The liver is the most active during the time from 10 pm to 2 am.)
With the rambling in my belly I usually was not able to find much sleep during the liver flush night.
At 6 am I drank the third serving glass of Epsom Salt water.
At 8 am I drank the fourth serving.
At this time I started expelling green sludge and gravel from my liver. It usually took at least ten trips to the bathroom. I examined the sludge, it's colors and texture, and made notes.
I always felt exhausted and weakened from the procedure and sleepless night and spent most of the day in bed, resting between the bathroom visits. I could sense how the liver flushes caused subtle changes in my bodily functions, even shifting my bio-rhythm, and also how it influenced my emotional state of being.
I drank some grapefruit juice later in the morning and at lunchtime had my regular oatmeal breakfast.
In the evening I gave myself two water enemas. More sludge and gravel got expelled.

The liver flushes became easier each time.
Andreas Moritz states that the liver flushes can cause tiny stones ending up as sand in the kidneys, therefore he advises to do after every four liver flushes a kidney cleanse with herbs, which I did.
As another important consideration, once you have started cleansing the liver, you must continue the liver flushes until no more stones come out. Leaving the liver half clean for a longer period of time can cause problems when the loosened toxic stones get deposited in the digestive tract.

Younger people may need only a few liver and gallbladder flushes to clean their system, depending on lifestyle and diet. Older people may need thirty or more liver cleanses over a period of two years to regain a healthy body.
According to Andreas Moritz, once the liver is free of stones, one should still carry out two more consecutive liver flushes to ensure the liver is squeaky clean. From then on it takes the liver six months to heal and rejuvenate itself.

The pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex
More and more people are waking up and realizing what is happening on Earth.
All areas of society such as banking, government, media, military, religion, etc. have been taken over by the negative global elite as our leaders and controllers. They are writing the global narrative. Their plan for humanity is the New World Order of total tyranny with a population deduction down to 500 million humans.

The masses have been conditioned to live within the parameters of the installed healthcare system. The pharmaceutical industry goes hand in hand with the corrupt government department that is overseeing the food production industry. They promote inhumane factory farming and GMO foods. The large food store chains swallowed the small food stores. They mostly sell lifeless processed food, fortified with chemical byproducts from the petrol industry. Right inside these huge food stores are the pharmacies, selling the pharmaceuticals that the TV commercials announce as treatments for the people’s ever increasing health and mental problems.
As a result the majority of people are in dire condition: toxified, obese, plagued with ailments and diseases, emotionally numb, functioning at the low third-dimensional level of existence or struggle for survival. In this deplorable condition the American mainstream population is easy to herd and control.

The healthcare industry is all about the almighty dollar. It is about mining the human body for money. The parasitic pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex is “infested with the greed virus”, making $3.5 Trillion a year. The medical doctors have become their slaves, as well as all others working in the healthcare system.

Over the last years, many holistic medical doctors and scientists have been assassinated by the ruling elite for blowing the whistle about the methods of weakening and reducing the population through vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, cancer treatments, surgery, etc.
By now we know that whistleblowers are being “suicided” via secret weapons that make their death look like a heart attack, suicide, or car crash. Often their entire families are assassinated.
Sooner or later, all crimes of victimizing the population in the name of the healthcare system will be brought to light.

During each of my 17 liver flushes, as I was laying still on my back to let the olive oil concoction push the stones towards the two main bile ducts for elimination, in my thoughts I thanked Andreas Moritz for gifting humanity with this simple self-healing procedure.

Since I live below the poverty level and rarely can buy organic food, I've been doing my best to keep my physical vessel clean through regular fasting. I appreciate that the liver cleanse is so inexpensive and simple that it could be done by everyone. From now on I'll be doing every six months a liver cleanse to keep my body free of toxins and capable of coping with existing in our rough and harsh world.

After cleansing my liver throughout the entire last year I am now vibrating at a higher frequency. It was well worth the effort. The liver flushes became easier each time.
Also, it was truly a visceral experience and I now feel well grounded. I am pure inside and out, my mind is clear and easy to focus. I'm ready to shift higher as my input into the collective.

The liver and gallbladder flush is the way of the future! Eventually, all people will awaken and regain their sense of responsibility for their precious physical vessel. Hospitals, clinics, and rest homes will provide the services to facilitate the amazing liver and gallbladder flush, thus making it accessible for everyone.
People are awakening to the truth that those who claim to care about us, are intentionally harming us. Once people have enough of being the victims of the system they will rise up and dismantle the Healthcare System.
In six months from now I plan to create a video as an addendum to this article in which I will share my healing experience.

In service,



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