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:Pandora's Box II: Denver I.A....Phil Schneider...Atlantis &Mu...Rainbow,,,British Israel...

Posted By: oldmaninthedesert
Date: Friday, 1-March-2019 13:59:50

The second Pandora's Box from Alex Christopher,I know later he jumps back to the airport...

[...This is basically a picture story book It is a brief bit of information on my discovery in the Denver, Colorado area.

When I first started doing research on the Denver International Airport (DIA), I was giving it the benefit of the doubt. Then I ran across a statement made by a former CIA operative, which told me I was on to something big.

Clinton appointed, as head of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the fonner Mayor of Denver, Federico Perra, whose primary qualification for the job was his help in promoting the new Denver airport. That airport project was riddled with corruption involving key people from the Denver area HUD and savings-and-loan scandal and involving the CIA and its proprietary, Silverado Bank Savings and Loan. Inside CIA sources tell that Perra was paid one and one-half million dollars for his help in getting Denver voters to approve the new Denver Airport project. Pena had been involved with the MOC Holdings and related groups, in which U.S. Attorney Michael Norton was also financially involved. It appears that Pena's office was bugged, and he and the CIA agents that were involved with Pena are recorded where Millman's exact words are, "Ok, here's the million and a half god-damn dollars, now we want the f. .. airport to go through." Pena got a million and a half dollars in cash, and there is a tape recording to prove it.

I would assume from that that there is much more to the airport than meets the eye. When the CIA is pushing something that hard, it has to be a front for something else. There are many rumors running around. One such is the statement that I was given by a member of the board that was doing research to oppose the airport. It was stated that the planners only planned for the airport to be used for an airport for five years. What then? No more airplanes coming into Denver? Or do they plan to move back to Stapleton Airport and use the new airport for a country club or maybe for a "Global Masonic Temple," for that is what it truly appears to be anyway. No, I think that it literally goes much deeper than that.

When I first went to the new airport, I was accompanied by an engineer who had been involved for many years working in construction for the Industrial Defense Complex building giant, "Deep Underground Bases." He told me that he had been offered the position of head engineer for the construction of the base that was to go under the new "Denver International Airport," back in the early eighties. He said that it covered an underground area of 85 square miles, with a depth of 88 cubic miles. He said it had in the complex a 4.5 square mile city, complete with stores and shops, etc, and complete with hundreds of miles of underground roads, all connecting with the high-speed bullet trains that can go at "Mach" speeds. He also went on to tell me that most of these bases are now jointly occupied by humans and either ancient earth races or alien races. According to him, these underground bases are to serve many different purposes, such as medical research labs, prisons, work camps, military accommodations, food storage, etc.

If there truly is an eight-level deep underground base below DIA, as he said there is, during the last year after the airport was finished and just sitting there, were they really doing the final hook-ups between the surface base, DIA, and the underground base, as I was told? The next question you must ask yourself is, what are the real plans or DIA? According to the FEMA 41- 10 plan, it appears that Denver is the central location for collecting people and processing them into other areas of the world to be transported out from there by plane. I keep remembering reading somewhere that Hitler's concentration camps were also used to collect., hold and have people transported by alien craft to the moon and Mars for slave labor, and then possibly returned to earth. We know the holocaust was a hoax., with all the Nazi and alien interaction that was going on even back then. We also know that after the war, the American and Gennan shadow governments joined forces and have been working together ever since. Could the DIA be a very large human processing center for slave labor to go to other worlds or elsewhere on earth? Are those tunnels under DlA with four concrete sides running adjacent to the tram lines that are covered up with sprinklers just what they are said to be-fire extinguishers-or could that be a giant gas chamber or a decontamination chamber to get people ready to deport to other worlds?

After making the trips underground that I have made, I feel 10 my heart that, without any question, this airport is far more than they are telling us. Just as the Great Hall at the airport where nothing is permanent, so too in the underground, nothing is permanent-- not even the steel I-beams that support the steel mesh floors--they are bolted to the walls. It appears that everything down there is largely a dead baggage system that is not in use. They have a simple running baggage system there, and then all of this other equipment is just sitting there, taking up room and lots of it--acres! There are many catwalks in places, and there is an overrun of security cameras everywhere.

There is a road system down there what is a wide two-lane highway. In some areas, it has an area next to it, fenced off with chain link fencing, that would be perfect for holding cells if there was an occasion to need it for that. There are many huge areas where there are chain link fences installed. For what reason, I can't tell you. It is just there. I have been down as far as it is possible to go at this time without finding the secret door to go farther. I will tell you this--it is strange down there under the Denver Airport. This airport underground puts out a set of feelings and vibrations that make me sick to my stomach. My friend and I experienced the same feelings. I can't tell you if what I am picking up there are things that are going on underground in that area at this time, or if I am picking up what has happened there in the future which we have not arrived at yet. The one thing I am sure of is that this place can produce no good. It is dripping with Nazi and Masonic symbols everywhere , either by accident or design. As I said before, I live my life today and operate by the seat of my pants and my gut feelings, and they never tell me wrong, if I only stop and pay attention to them. As I have said before, I don't have any good feelings about this place. This short book, is basically a picture book. After you read it, do take the time to go to Denver and experience this place for yourself, and see how you feel about it. May the God of love and life that is your Father bless each of you.
Thank you.

Alex Christopher


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