You will learn a couple of things reading this chapter. Number 1,you are going to learn how a nobody governor(some called him a hillbilly),became president of these here United States.Number 2,you are going to read some information on a current person of Huge Significance. Because of what this person was involved in during these pages,it makes me wonder if this person's hands are untied this time....
[...In the transcript of that testimony, Brenneke described his activities on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency, about his expertise in handling financial transfers worldwide, including money transfers for the Central Intelligence Agency, commencing in 1968 and continuing until 1985. Brenneke testified to “handling money for them and handling East Bloc weapons purchases primarily made in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.” He described flying as pilot for the CIA, including C-130 aircraft from Mena, Arkansas, to various airports in Panama, including Tucuman Airport at Panama City, and into Colon. Brenneke produced pilot logbooks showing the flights that he made for the CIA into Mena and other locations.
Brenneke testified that the weapon shipments were met by “members of the Panamanian Defense Forces” and “by Michael Harari.” He identified Harari in congressional testimony as a Mossad agent and “Manuel Noriega‘s partner in a number of business deals in Panama. I know that first hand because I had to deal with him.”
He described carrying weapons and military personnel trained in Arkansas from Mena to Panama. He testified that the weapons frequently came either from government stores or through the Tamiami Gun Shop in Miami, Florida, and that his co-pilot on many of these flights was another CIA operative, Harry Rupp.
Brenneke described drug-trafficking flights from Medellin to Mena and to Iron Mountain Ranch in Texas. He identified Rich Mountain Aviation at Mena Airport (Inter-Mountain Regional Airport) and Fred Hampton as owning and operating the CIA-front operation.
CIA Cocaine Trafficking With Panamanians
When asked by congressional investigators about the nature of the cargo flown back to the United States, including into Mena, Brenneke testified, “I found the cargo to be cocaine; in some cases marijuana.” He testified that on each return flight he carried 400 to 500 pounds of cocaine, which was loaded by Panamanian Defense Force soldiers onto the CIA aircraft.
Sale of Drugs by CIA to
Gotti‘s Organized Crime Family
When asked about the disposition of the drugs, Brenneke testified that upon landing at Mena Airport the drugs would be either off-loaded onto other aircraft, or stored in Rich Mountain Aviation’s hangar. Brenneke testified that in some instances the drugs were received by Freddie Hampton of Rich Mountain Aviation, and in some cases “members of John Gotti’ s family in New York. One of them was an individual known to me by the name of Salvatore Reale. ” Brenneke testified:
Reale was Director of Security for Kennedy International Airport in New York City... Mr. Reale was one of Mr. Gotti’ s lieutenants. I watched the two of them interact. Mr. Gotti would provide directions; Mr. Reale would carry them out. It was his job to make sure that cargo being shipped through Kennedy was not lost, but properly located, and in some cases avoiding Customs.
This testimony linking organized crime with the CIA in drug trafficking caused the Congressional investigators to ask, “Are you saying that you saw Mr. John Gotti, the famous head of the organized crime syndicate, in New York, together with Mr. Reale?” Brenneke replied, “Yes, sir, I did.” ....]