Posted By: Sophie Date: Thursday, 9-May-2019 17:15:26
On 11/9/11 (or 9/11/11 in the American vernacular) I attended a presentation by Dolores Cannon and others.
Someone asked DC about all the bad things going on in the world (eg wars etc) and what should she do about it.
DC asked if these are actually in her reality, and if they are not, then she should not focus on them in case she inadvertently brings them into her reality.
From ET101:
The reality that you live is nothing more than an audio-visual demonstration of where your attention is. The universe presumes your attention is on what you want and graciously provides you with more of the same. If this dynamic were understood, you would never do anything so foolish as to declare a war on drugs—unless, of course, your objective were to create more of them. There is no better way to increase drug traffic than to have everyone’s attention focused on it. This same principle applies to increasing everything you think you oppose, and it is also the reason a war cannot be won. If you were serious about stopping drugs, the best course would be to stop being fascinated with them via your perceived opposition. Become fascinated with freedom instead, and your addictions will disappear naturally to satisfy your new preoccupation
Now this is the most important part for everyone who's listening
It will be increasingly what you believe and feel, and what you strongly fear, will become real to you
My caution is that you be very, very careful what you invest your mental energy into
Try to avoid investing your mental energy into fear, doomsaying and other negative outcomes, because there is a risk you could draw those into being
Instead, consciously focus your energies on maintaining the possibility of the highest possible outcome for all of us
Even if things look bad and presented to you as hopeless and awful
The cabal has a vested interest in shaping your perception to as negative outlook as possible
Because they already understand how this attraction works and hopes capitalise on tricking you into attracting bad news
That is the most important thing I have to say today
Maintain a positive outlook and consciously focus your energies into bringing in a good future.
Don't dwell on negativity
Don't dwell on bad news
Don't let your perceptions of what's going on be manipulated by the media
They have a vested interest in making you think that things are a lot worse than they are, or that people who are on your side are secretly evil
.... Exercise caution and consciously shape your on hopes and dreams
It's important to keep in mind sorting through the many, many people who are talking about stuff like this, that almost everyone has some of the truth and absolutely no-one has all of the truth
It's important to keep what works and discard what does not, without necessarily discarding that person entirely, unless they have proven without a shadow of doubt that they are not trustworthy or that they are working to another agenda
And even then, you can use them as a barometer to read between the lines and read between the lies
See what they are trying to hide or obfuscate what they are not saying
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