RE: SLATE - JUNE 2012: No Kids for Me, Thanks: I Don’t Enjoy Alien-Parasites
Posted By: Morgan Date: Wednesday, 22-May-2019 23:04:43
I feel the same way and will be forever grateful to Planned Parenthood for helping me get sterilised at 19. I consider sprog nothing but annoying liabilities that I don't want within a half mile of me, not that I have a choice. Being crotch dropping free, I've managed to totally live it up in my high earner days, actually had the discretionary time to accomplish stuff like with my writing, art, music, and other extra-curricular activities without some damn time and resource vampire stressing me out. The personal freedom was and still is awesome, and I like to keep my legal obligations to a minimum. Then there's the fact I consider the state of pregnancy to be about as repulsive as it can get, so hey.
I've felt like this about ankle biters since age six, when I had to watch my bratty toddler half siblings; who I perpetually wanted to flush down the toilet on a good day. Oh, and I disowned them and that side of my split up family 38 years ago. The other side, later. Life is easier without relatives.
Wonder if these news stories about putting a damper on abortions are gonna send tons of chicks, and more than a few sausage casings to the surgeon to make sure an abortion won't ever be needed? Or is that the point?