Hello Christ,
The subject line above is, as you've recognized, a quote from one of the links you posted above.
I'm posting the text below for those who might have missed it ...
But first a comment on another link (and you might well be aware of this already):
As I watched the Christina Perry video, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the couple and “bella + edward”, which I learned was the plan in the video description (see below). The lyrics are directly related as well; the Vampires in Twilight live for "a thousand years” or more, but look as though they are “always 17." One of my sisters was a totally obsessed Twilight Mom for a number of years, and went to events, listened the the soundtrack musicians and more. She made me watch the first one, and was angry that I wasn't interested. Apparently the Twilight Moms live on like the Vampires, and the Twilight series writer is getting a lot of promo for her new book:
I’m convinced that this played a large role in so-called “women’s lib” and increasing Wicca interest.
Published on Oct 26, 2011
© 2011 WMG
"a thousand years" on itunes:
directed by: jay martin
"a thousand years" is a brand new song me + my best friend david hodges wrote for bella + edward. we wrote it after we so luckily screened the movie + i couldn't be more proud of this song. to all my fellow twihards, thanks for hearing the e/b love
: Communism, Democracy, Capitalism may be Veils to conceal the
: 'Predator' King, in his various guises, in which the
: masses/sheep are 'Subordinate', representing a static-state
: of one of the Permanent dichotomies.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtOvBOTyX00
Back to Flux, with Heraclitus ...
In a tacit criticism of Anaximander, Heraclitus rejects the view that cosmic justice is designed to punish one opposite for its transgressions against another. If it were not for the constant conflict of opposites, there would be no alternations of day and night, hot and cold, summer and winter, even life and death. Indeed, if some things did not die, others would not be born. Conflict does not interfere with life, but rather is a precondition of life (from Encyclopedia of Philosophy).
Heraclitus of Ephesus
The 20th century psychologist and writer Carl Jung (July 26, 1875-June 6, 1961 CE) echoes the ideas of Heraclitus in a number of his works but probably most clearly in his The Stages of Life where he writes,
Every one of us gladly turns away from his problems; if possible, they must not be mentioned, or, better still, their existence is denied. We wish to make our lives simple, certain, and smooth, and for that reason problems are taboo. We want to have certainties and no doubts - results and no experiments- without even seeing that certainties can arise only through doubt and results only through experiment (5).
Like Heraclitus, Jung felt that human neuroses arose from our desire to remain child-like ("Something in us wishes to remain a child, to be unconscious or, at most, conscious only of the ego, to reject everything strange").
Heraclitus, of course, did not phrase the idea in that same way but expresses a similar idea when speaking of human understanding of the Logos, claiming that most of humanity were sleepwalking through their lives, always prefering the comfort of sleep to the conflict of being awake and aware ("Those awake have one ordered universe in common, but in sleep every man turns away to one of his own", DK 22A3).
For both the ancient, and the more modern philosopher, one's inability to embrace change and accept conflict as a natural and necessary part of one's life causes the pain and disappointment one so often experiences. One causes the problems in one's life through a refusal to accept life for what it is -- Flux.
: Progress Report (ha ha)
: 2019
: A Theory built from Observation. The World's Politics Reflect
: the True State of the Current Universe, a State Of 'Flux'
: or Oscillation. This Theory originates from the Greeks, if
: not further back.
: In this Universe, the Poles of Absolutism (Authority/Rebel)
: Oscillate between one-another.
: In fact, the Contender is always Satan, and becomes upon
: Election God which usurps the Previous God Authority.
: You can see this as a 'one step forward' 'one step backwards'
: phenomenon
: Some Examples
: A. Trump Withrdrawing Troops from the Mideast, then Deploying
: Them Again (probably will happen)
: B. Trump Peace Effort With Kim Jong-Un, Then Backing Away
: C.Republican Bush 8-Years, Followed by Democratic Obama
: 8-Years, Followed by Republican Trump x-Years
: D. Papal Turnabouts'. One example; Urban VIII & Alexander
: VII moderated stance on allowing use of the Vernacular in
: Service and cautious Approval of Native Rights
: (Congregation For The Propagation Of the Faith
: (MIssionaries), Followed by Clement XI banning all
: Vernacular and Native Rights
: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15218b.htm
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Rites_controversy
: https://www.ancient.eu/article/183/heraclitus-life-is-flux/
: Can we get away from being subject to the King of Night, and
: then the King Of Day? Maybe if we get rid of one of them.
: Progress may be only a 'Speeding Up' of our routines through
: Technology,
: Communism, Democracy, Capitalism may be Veils to conceal the
: 'Predator' King, in his various guises, in which the
: masses/sheep are 'Subordinate', representing a static-state
: of one of the Permanent dichotomies.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtOvBOTyX00
: PS. If Jesus is Satan, then 3-fold God includes Satan (the
: Son).
: Woman Of the Well & Jesus = Satan & Eve
: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+4%3A14&version=NIV