The house is too busy loving and working with our oldest grandson who is high on the spectrum to get angry with the guilty parties,but I do not forget who the vengeance belongs to,came across this awhile ago
Two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal containing vaccine administration , the risk for a autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States
Over the past two decades, the prevalence of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has risen dramatically [1], and currently at least 1 in 88 children are diagnosed with ASD in the US [2]. ASD is defined by standardized criteria of qualitative impairments in social interaction, qualitative impairments in communication, and restricted and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities [3]. Although these core features define an ASD, recent investigations have described many health, physical, or behavioral co-morbid conditions consistently associated with an ASD such as gastrointestinal disturbances, incontinence, sleep problems, eating disorders, behavioral problems, and sensory processing issues [4].
In further considering the initial clinical presentation of ASD, a significant number of children diagnosed with ASD suffer a loss of previously-acquired skills between 6 and 18 months of age with an estimated incidence of regression among individuals diagnosed with ASDs ranging from 15% to more than 62% of all cases [5]. The importance of postnatal loss of neurological function in those diagnosed with an ASD between 6 and 18 months of age, as observed in affected children who have regressed, is this phenomena is suggestive of neurodegeneration or a type of progressive encephalopathy with an etiological pathogenic basis occurring after birth [5]. To date, the etiology of ASD remains under debate. However, many studies suggest toxicity in individuals diagnosed with an ASD [6]. More specifically, recent evidence suggests that mercury (Hg) may be either a causal factor in or contributory to the brain pathology in ASD, possibly working synergistically with other toxic compounds or pathogens to produce the abnormal brain pathology observed in those diagnosed with an ASD [7].
Hg is a heavy metal that is widespread and persistent in the environment, and infants in the US are exposed to significant levels of environmental Hg through the air, water, and breast milk [8]. In addition to environmental Hg exposure and maternal exposures from the mother’s Hg body burden, dietary intakes, and Hg-containing pharmaceuticals administered to the mother while the child is developing in utero, and injected organic-Hg from Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines that have been and, in many countries, remain a significant source of Hg exposure for many infants during the first six months of life.