I was happy to note that the alt media is still working well, as your post has been reposted on Before it's News (by Nesara), along with an interpretation of the symbology.
It's interesting that it's not cannabis at all; they like to keep the myth going that cannabis is dangerous. The other way they do it is by selling cannabis sprayed with PCP, which has slang terms like "embalming fluid". Lots of fun. I actually know someone whose son sold him some marijuana that had been sprayed with PCP. He landed in the hospital, and is now on anti-epileptic meds for the rest of his life. He doesn't get it that no dealer would buy anything without testing it first - even though he smoked from time to time throughout his life, not that I ever pointed that out to him. And he won't even try CBD oil. I don't know what they did to him but how can he believe that any cannabis could've caused him to hallucinate that he was being hunted by aliens?! Oddly, he also talked about some kind of black goo they were trying to put on him. They got him in the end. This without any idea of what's on youtube on the topic of "Black Goo."
I'll end with an old quote from a Montreal policeman, "The only thing in danger when someone smokes marijuana is the refridgerator."