The Urantia Papers?? Wow, I never would have guessed that :-) Yes, I've read them (15 or so years ago) but they were not even around until the 1920's..
We would counter that with...'they appeared when most needed'...they were also given with the understanding that they would not be,as you say, not my cup tea,for every one who perused them.That said,the purpose of the Papers,and what they are remains the same as when they were revealed and published in 1955,regardless of how any one reader may comment on them either for or against:)
As to this thread and the 33rd degree,I would say...Who cares about the precepts of Men when it comes to the things of The Spirit? The past is done and there is no changing it,the past that some want to continue to speculate about,I tell you, will have no part in the Future.The Walking Dead is not fiction.Everyone have a great weekend and enjoy yourselves:)Thank You lovely Lynda for your feedback,and everything you do in your reflection of life.
: We all know that history/mythology is written by the victors.
: Read it, know it is probably BS but compare it to other
: countries' history/mythology and you'll come away with a
: common theme. Hopefully, a semblance of some sort of
: truth...
: Sitchin, Hmmm.. I think he began in the right place but so
: much of his theories have been proven wrong. IMHO, he
: worked for the Zionists. A man who was also Jewish but
: could run circles around Sitchin was Samuel Noah Kramer. He
: wasn't a practicing Jew and his translations were just
: that. Translations. He lets the readers make up their own
: mind. Either way, the Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian and
: even a few Ubaid cuneiform tablets were around 1,000's of
: years before Sitchin or Kramer. Like 6,000..
: The Urantia Papers?? Wow, I never would have guessed that :-)
: Yes, I've read them (15 or so years ago) but they were not
: even around until the 1920's.. Not my cup of tea.. But
: thanks for the link.
: Thanks Much.. I'd love to hear from others what they think
: about this.
: imho,
: Lynda
: The Anunnaki in my opinion,are fiction,a fiction that made a