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Re: Solomon, Enki or a 33rd Degree Parallel??

Posted By: Mike
Date: Friday, 21-June-2019 22:22:25

In Response To: Re: Solomon, Enki or a 33rd Degree Parallel?? (Susoni)


I wouldn't say that it's good or bad to turn the key, but if you want to see what's behind door number x you would have to venture through, so to speak. Special wouldn't be a criteria, just aware and willing would be enough. I would guess that both good and bad people have turned the key. Who gets in would depend on what is behind the door. Might actually be some decent people in there. I don't have enough data to say. Historically the Jinn were not across the board enemies of humans, but they might have a bone to pick with interstellar corporations trying to occupy their planet. That could make Jinn and man and others allies to some degree. They seem to be much like us with the good and the bad and the middle. And things change with time. The remaining masses would be the masonic membership that wasn't aware of the key.

In this age of propaganda I would consider older masonic lore more seriously. If it were me, I would have left the old stuff in place to make the subject seem mythy and imaginary in these times of tech. Not sure how Enki might fit into Masonics. The Anunnaki overtone is one of outlaws on the move. If so then is is doubtful that they would be mining gold to save their planet. More likely they were involved in shady commerce of some type, perhaps wildcat mining on the edge of legal. Their system of laws was performance based which indicates maritime law. Interstellar?

(Words that end in ship. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-end-in-ship )

I agree. Energy is neutral until applied.

Wikipedia has a page that lists entities according to air, water, earth and fire. It's a pretty big list. But yeah, entities seem to be scattered about the face of the Earth like people.

My view of DNA is that it's just dirt and energy that has been organized by some underlying spiritual(?) field, much like a magnetic field under a plate organizes iron filings. The field is the information, the dirt or energy just reflects. The Jinn and other species, including man, seem to have specie specific attributes which might lead one to suspect that the “field” emanates from “below” even plasma, plasma being the foundation of material. This could account for spiritual orientation of bloodlines. They are maintained according to field specific attributes even across races and genetics. For instance, a Jinn/human or other bloodline might not make much sense on the face of it. What did they need from Princess Diana who was a nobody? And then they disposed of her.

Plasma can exhibit several characteristics. The plasma engines of the Enterprise were probably very energetic. Good thing the plasma transporter beam wasn't that hot. Burn me down (or up) Scotty :-)

It may be something so simple as inadvertently touching on a dormant ability without the training or ability to control it. Like a big short circuit. L.Ron Hubbard described a wall of fire that required training to pass or it would destroy the body. Might be something to that.



: Hi Mike,

: Hmmm So to turn the key, in your opinion, is a good thing??
: While I'd love to know what is behind the door, so to
: speak, I don't think you have to be special to turn it. Too
: many rotten bastards have turned it too. What exactly did
: you mean by saying the remaining masses would not be worth
: considering??

: To be honest, I never really delved into Masonry that deep.
: I've seen the charts and read a few websites (and a
: possible connection to Enki).. but not in-depth.

: IMHO, energy is neutral. It's not evil or good, but how it is
: used can be evil or good.

: When I said demons it was a broad stroke that I use that
: includes entities like Jinn, spirits, angels, gallu, alu,
: archons and more. Almost every culture has them listed
: under a different name, but they share traits.

: Yes, I agree that certain bloodlines have been known to rule.
: With interbreeding, mistresses, and prostitution that DNA
: mingled all over the place.

: Plasma: I understand what you are saying about the blood
: plasma and humans and that could very well be true... but..
: Plasma is also a property of light and when I think of the
: Jinn (who are supposedly smokeless flame) than I think of
: light plasma that would project heat but not smoke. Like
: the plasma engines on Star trek :-)

: You know, I thought of that once before. That people who dance
: with demons (or Jinn) could get burned..

: Thanks,
: Lynda

: I would start with “So, where is the real thirty-third Masonic


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