I really do not think this will be apparent until after the 2020 election. If we look back at the office of the president over the last almost 40 years,we have had 6 hold the post including Trump,4 out of the 5 have had two terms,the one who was limited to a single term,did so on his own terms in order to divert attention from his crimes involving drug smuggling,pedophilia,and massive financial fraud involving the nations bank's and saving's and loan,as well as the often overlooked Project Hammer started on his watch against the old Soviet Union and finished on September 11th,2001 under the cover and subsequent E.O. issued by Junior.
So if we look at the second terms of Reagan,Clinton,Bush 2,and Obama,we see in each case things happened and came to light in the second term that if exposed in the first 4 years,good chance there would have not been a second term for all 4.Reagan had the Iran/Contra affair,as well as his fraud called the War on drugs.We all know Slick Willy's deal with Monica,which overshadowed his selling state secrets to the Chinese to finance his reelection campaign.We all know Junior was a loser and front man for the neocon's war for a greater Israel,that started with Reagan in Afghanistan,through cleaning up pop's mess with his business partner Saddam in Iraq, to starting the mess in Syria in 07 and intended mess with Iran,that they are still trying to instigate and basically the reason this thread exists. I do not think I have to go over the last guys second term,it has been all over the place the last 3 years.
Anyhow I see Trump as a practical businessman,hard to conduct business with dead people,and destroyed countries.I truly believe that Trump intends to undo all the treacherous crap that has been foisted on the American people over the last 160 years,but the majority of it cannot be done until, he no longer has to fear those he is using at this time. I always look at who is flapping their jaws when it comes to Trump. Phony ass Hannity is a perfect example of putting a bull's eye on his own forehead,calling for war,like he knows Trump's every move.I expect the attempts to goad him are going to continue,as well as the talking heads saying whatever they need to,make themselves feel relevant in the mess they have helped create...
Hopefully he remains practical
: In response to
: http://cgi.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=8226 .
: At https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbM6WbUw7Bs is a one and
: one-half minute video that seems to be intensely silly and
: ominously prophetic at the same time. It came out during
: the election.
: Down in the corner of the political picture there are some
: confusing brush strokes. Is Trump a warmonger or a dove?
: The better question, I think, is who or what is presenting
: through Trump? Pay attention to the ways in which the face
: of Trump, the mask, is used in the video. The final scene
: has the mask affixed to a transformer which is a machine
: with hidden attributes and non-human intelligence. The mask
: lends a veneer of humanness.
: Before there can be a hero or savior there must be
: circumstances that cause the world population to demand
: such a one. Even the dullest of populations are becoming
: aware that governments are the problem. They are becoming
: tired of and afraid of governments. As the heat is turned
: up the people of the Earth will eventually demand relief.
: Savior time.
: Anyone who is even partially awake can see that all conflict
: on the face of the planet is scripted. That is the larger
: picture. The masses will not see that. They will simply
: call for a savior, any savior, when the terror and the
: suffering becomes too great. If the presenters work it
: right they can use Trump to crush the nasty governments and
: deliver peace and economic relief to the masses. And then
: the presenters can set conditions of performance because
: the masses handed author(of)ship (of state) to them. The
: masses cannot see enough to claim duress or coercion. They
: gladly signed on the line and are now signers (sinners) in
: the maritime legal system of the presenters and subject to
: the commandments and penalties thereof.
: Trump may be good or bad, or he might well be captured and not
: even be able to know what he is, and so good or bad cannot
: apply in regard to the larger picture or presentation.