She is not who they say she is....
...... First published April 2, 2019
Politics is all theater, as becomes increasingly apparent with each passing day. Case in point, this week’s Senate debate and subsequent vote on the Green New Deal resolution. In case you missed it, here is Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) arguing against the resolution on the Senate floor:
That is an undoctored photo, the painting depicting President Reagan with a rocket launcher strapped to his back, riding a velociraptor. So continues the long-running Punch and Judy that is our federal government. But here’s the thing – the Green New Deal was never meant to be taken seriously, and both sides know that. The resolution’s sponsor, freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), knows it every bit as much as Senator Lee knows it. The Green New Deal was designed to fail. Why? Because they want to blackwash the 10% of the resolution that’s really quite admirable by mixing it up with the 90% that’s tripe, and then grossly mis-characterizing the whole thing for good measure with talk of banning airplanes and eliminating the worldwide population of farting cows......
....... But I’m not here to talk about the GND. I’m here to out Miss Ocasio-Cortez, a.k.a. AOC, which is not hard to do. She is just a continuation of the Bernie Sanders project to delegitimize real protest movements, having been a member of his campaign team. Like Sanders, she is also a member of the Families, which I will cover. But as usual, she is just the gateway to more interesting things.
For starters, AOC’s story is unbelievable. On Wikipedia we’re told she was born in the Bronx to a poor family of Puerto Rican immigrants, working her way up from obscurity to become the youngest woman ever to serve in the U.S. Congress. If you think that’s even remotely possible, you’ve been successfully brainwashed. As we’ve seen again and again, every politician, celebrity, artist, scientist, and entrepreneur in this world has been chosen for their role, appointed by the ruling Families to which they belong. Their tales are churned out from the bowels of Langley, which explains why they’re so out of touch with reality. Exhibit A, her first claim to fame:
She came in second in the Microbiology category of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair [ISEF] with a microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on the lifespan of the nematode C. elegans. In a show of appreciation for her efforts, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory named a small asteroid after her: 23238 OcasioCortez...........
....... Some readers still won't understand why we would attack AOC, apparently one of the most progressive members of Congress. Why not attack the furthest right members, instead of the furthest left? Because, as David and Leaf pointed out above, it is all a charade. No one in Congress is really anything left or right. They are all simply bought. They create a division and a diversion, to keep your eyes off the real action. In reality, Congress does nothing but rubber stamp military and spy budgets, and look the other way while the bankers suck from the treasury. A few people like AOC are planted to give hope to the naïve, making them think Congress can make a difference or that it can be an agent of positive change. It can't. I believe in the possibility of positive change, but not through the standing institutions. You should have learned by now that they are corrupt beyond all hope. They are owned in toto by the ruling families, and what we have shown you about AOC just confirms that for the millionth time. Meaningful change will never be possible until you give up hope on Congress, the President, the political parties, the mainstream media, and the entire entrenched machine. It is all a mirage, set up to keep you constantly running after water that is simply not there.
First you have to disengage yourself from the Matrix, and then you have to actively resist it. You cannot do that by slobbering after young phonies like AOC. She is the false Siren, singing you the song you wish to hear to keep you asleep or tied to the mast. So your first order of business is telling her and those who promote her to take a leap. Tell them you are not fooled. And then get on with it. Do not try to petition them for anything, since that is just a waste of time. Walk around them. Shun them. Bankrupt them. Do not work for them or with them. And demand they return the quadrillions of dollars they have stolen from you and your parents and grandparents, which they have squirreled away all over the world. That money is not on another planet or in another dimension. It can easily be taken back, given the will to do so. Once we have that money back in our hands, we can talk about what good to do with it. Until then, it is all blah blah.
full paper here