Yesterday evening, I was standing in the kitchen. It was late. I was likely there making a cup of tea. Most often when I am getting transmissions from the etheric telegraph; meaning that some entity, who is friendly toward me, is generating a percussive vibration upon the ether. Then a transliteration from their Devic language into my own takes place and I hear it internally, as if someone were conversing with me, which... as a matter of fact they are. Last night was different. It took the form of a dawning awareness. I can only describe it as a kind of experience infused environment, a template of both feeling and thought that descended and completely occupied my interior space. It was a revelation that changed my entire viewpoint on the world.
I saw that I had been wrong in my thinking in one critical area and it had been causing me a degree of stress that I wasn't even aware of but which became evident as it was pointed out to me, given that it had been accompanied by a narrator. I had been guilty, to a degree, of the very thing I had been warning others about. I had been deceiving myself about something; a most elementary something.
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