I will repeat what I said with the first installment of Leith's work,I am submitting it for interested readers consideration,not as the gospel truth,discernment is needed as always with anything on the web...
[....It was in 1936 that Hitler, prompted by immediate and unknown reasons, decided to send an exploration team to the Inner World (presumably by air). The Bodlanders from inside the Earth watched the upper Germans all the way and eventually invited the team to the capital city of Bod where Hitler's Upper World Germans were treated royally before returning home. The King of Bodland was invited to come up to Germany's Third Reich for a return visit and in October 1936 the Inner World Bodland King Haakkuuss the Third responded, arriving secretly in Germany via his private space ship. After talking to the Upper World Germans he was impressed by their national spirit and drive, but he also recognized they were war prone and had placed themselves in the direction of a total war footing. Taking Hitler and some of his officers aside King Haakkuuss said: "I warn you as a long lost German brother that you are on the brink of a colossal war that will lead Germany only to disaster. I urge you to stop this madness and reconsider before taking your nation down the wrong road a second time in this century. War is hate -- full of negative karma and national agony. Develop a peaceful policy in a positive way."
He then explained that his own intelligence indicated the American President was also power oriented and would like to rule the world. Russia's Stalin was also bent on world domination. Then the King prophesied that if Hitler pursued his dreams of German expansion by war, he would eventually end up being crushed by the armies of Russia and the United States and Britain and its allies. Hitler, of course, disregarded this sage advice from the ruler of another German nation which had not been at war for thirty millennium's and had built the greatest nation on or in the globe.....]
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