This is the smart, pragmatic thing to do. Let the chicks take care of themselves. It'll lower the birth rate, give less cannon fodder to da gubment, get cars off the road, lower rent and housing prices, give us more space, less pollution, more quiet on all fronts, maybe a bit of deflation in other areas, and relationships not based on co-dependency.
I have nothing but contempt for chicks who see sausage casings as nothing but feedbags, though I don't think much of sausage casings who see their sigos as such either. . .what ever gender the sigo may be. Me thinks everyone should take care of themselves.
Me and my nosey-poo both work, and we both work for the common good. The rule is, the one that makes more money pays more; though we BOTH pay, and the one that works fewer hours cleans the house. The roles change with circumstances. and we both adjust with no questions asked. Of course there are no crotch droppings, since I can't stand the damn things; and though my nosey-poo does not share my antipathy toward the infernal little daemons, he had no desire to be a breeder; which was a requirement for me, considering I hold the concept of breeding in contempt; too. I think it's disgusting, and stupid to trash your life (Time, resources, stress level. . .) for the sake of bringing another worthless parasite (Especially after being forcibly vaccinated, not to mention dumbed down and programmed to be a useless idiot by the education system.) into this HELL.