I will post this before I retire for the night,next to last part on the round wing plane, UFO's Inner Earth etc in Genesis for the New Space Age...
....Sources which do not want to be identified say there are aliens already integrated into the Russian political and scientific societies, but unlike their American, Canadian or French counterparts, none of the aliens inside Russia are known to the Soviet immigration or police. They could be called sleepers and would reveal their true identities only in case of an international war. An unimpeachable source said he was aware of an interstellar bar in Paris which French gendarmes claim is frequented by registered aliens.
Eighteen known aliens live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, and perhaps double that number make the Los Angeles area their temporary home. In all, three interviews were conducted with registered Venusian aliens in Florida.
The friendly earth invasion of these outer terrestrials, mainly from Venus, Pluto and Mars but also our entire solar system, has a purpose. Their objectives supposedly are to mingle into earth's mainstream and report activities to their solar ambassador so that planet Earth may be guided away from the self destruction course on which it is presently veering. If there is a more sinister reason, no one in authority has revealed it to the authors.
Coordinating and determining the direction of extra terrestrials on this planet is one alien. He is the chief representative to Earth of this solar system's governing body. Besides being in constant touch with all governments, his presence is known by the United Nations. As head of the global network of information, he is in daily communications with the Interplanetary Police Net and the Solar Council on Venus.
The name of this warm, friendly non-human is Mr. Estes Plateu. He has been the confidant and friend of Presidents, Kings and statesmen for centuries, but Mr. Plateu not only sat for an artist's drawing of himself (he is not photographable); he also agreed to be interviewed as would any well-known earth celebrity.
To begin, this "illusive phantom” from Planet Venus, as he is referred to around Washington, says he was born in 1228 just a few years after the signing of England's Magna Carta. He began shaping the destiny of America as far back as George Washington's time and has been posted permanently in the American Capitol since 1943 from which he disappears for months at a time, probably to return to his home planet on furlough. Although his body resides in a particular office, on most occasions when he is seen, even by Presidents, he is a three dimensional projection of his true self.
Home planet of Mr. Plateu is claimed to be Venus, but he says Earth was the original habitat of his ancestors who fled just prior to a global catastrophe. Nevertheless, this interloping ambassador who first arrived without credentials stated he is the official representative of his planet where four billion people live within and on the surface of the planet united under one government. Since the Earth's discovery of nuclear energy and its peacetime applications, as well as the negating of the gravity force by a universally understood form of electromagnetic energy, Mr. Plateu says that in the next two decades Earth science and technology will be unbelievable in the service of human progress. But just as earth is about to achieve its goal of a Utopian civilization, it may be set back thousands of years again by another nuclear holocaust, the ambassador forecast. Mr. Plateu described earth as one of the leading planets in science and learning because of its recent achievements, whereas there are many lesser planets with more primitive civilizations.