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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Common Ground Independent Media

Inresponse to https://cgi.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/members/forum.cgi?read=8522

Posted By: Mike
Date: Friday, 9-August-2019 20:11:27

Upon reading the article at https://exploringrealhistory.blogspot.com/2019/08/part-5-genesis-for-new-space.html I found myself at odds with several items. I've listed a few.


"The difference between conscious behavioral norms and the subconscious spiritual nature of civilized earthlings is made indistinguishable by modern education taught in schools and universities. Right and wrong actions of a person, regardless of what one is taught, are answerable to a higher power, and a Supreme God has made it so."

* "...difference between conscious behavioral norms and the subconscious spiritual nature of civilized earthlings..."
! No clear differentiation is presented for my analysis. Not acceptable.

* "...Right and wrong actions of a person..."
! Right and wrong actions implies performance of condition of contract. This is Interstellar Maritime Law. I live on land. Not acceptable.

* "...regardless of what one is taught..."
! Ignorance of the Law is no defense. Failure to perform condition of contract to the letter is a Crime with Penalty. No extenuating circumstances. No mercy. Period. This is a basis of All Maritime Law. Not acceptable.

* "...are answerable to a higher power, and a Supreme God has made it so."

! Is this higher power appointed or elected? By whom? What are my unalienable rights withstanding this higher power? What, precisely, is the nature of this Supreme God? Legislated legal fiction person or position? Alleged natural? Where did I authorize this God to edit my existence? What are my unalienable rights withstanding this God whom it is presumed that I will accept? NOT acceptable.

"Number one priority is to prevent the use of nuclear missiles. Next, to have Earth nations develop into one world government where war is outlawed. Finally, it would follow that other planets in this solar system who are also watching the outcome would share their technology and science with Earth so that it could take its place among other inhabited planets."

* "Number one priority is to prevent the use of nuclear missiles."
! Does this include that Earth may not use devastating deterrent against forced incorporation under Interstellar Maritime Law? Not acceptable.

* "...to have Earth nations develop into one world government where war is outlawed."
! What world? Who's one world government? Why not civilized sovereign nations in mutual moral cooperation? What, precisely, are the definitions of war and outlawed? Not acceptable.

* "...other planets in this solar system who are also watching the outcome would share their technology and science with Earth..."
! Present factual evidence of these other inhabited planets and their peoples that I may judge whether or not they are acceptable to my existence. What have they to gain, or lose, by Earth? What is their science and technology and what uses have they made of them that I should be interested? Not acceptable.

* "...so that it could take its place among other inhabited planets."
! Who has determined that Earth has a place among the other planets? On what grounds, or sea, was this determination made? Where have I agreed, with full knowledge and consent that Earth should be placed? Not acceptable.

Plateu continued: “I could sense the future record of the post-war United Nations, and I reminded Roosevelt that the concept would fail unless the member countries of a united world order were to totally yield their individual sovereignties to the President of such an order. I stated that the other member planets had already placed each of their sovereign nations under one such ruler.

This then became the heart of the idea which I addressed to Roosevelt. One ruler of the entire world, with that ruler voting in proxy on all controversies of nationalism, law, religion, infinitum. Would such a Utopia be feasible? That was the idea I left with President Roosevelt.”

! These two paragraphs clearly describe the behavior of a hive of mindless insects under a queen who's mental, moral, ethical, emotional and personal attributes have not clearly and factually been defined, and proven, beyond shadow of doubt. They also describe an absolute negation of individuality, both national and personal. Not acceptable.

“...from ancient times before it existed, the United States was destined to become a nation and a leader of the world. This unborn nation had to acquire a new land away from the national and racial conflicts of Europe. The original inhabitants of the continent (the so called Indians) were permitted to be pushed aside and make room to allow America to become a reality.”

* "...from ancient times before it existed, the United States was destined to become a nation and a leader of the world..."
! This appears to be a statement of fact that subterfuge, subversion and violence has been the alien agenda for thousands of years on Earth. Plateu effectively proclaims himself to be a liar in these few words. Not acceptable.

* "...The original inhabitants of the continent (the so called Indians) were permitted to be pushed aside and make room to allow America to become a reality.”
! Are the primitive Earthlings to be slaughtered to make way for more advanced races of the other planets? Could annihilation be the science and technology the Liar will share with the present people of Earth? Not acceptable.

"A small international police force would act as a judiciary body in the case of national disputes, and direct police action would be taken when and if the adherents to a dispute took bilateral punitive action among themselves."

! A judiciary body is not a court of Land Law with judge and jury of peers. This describes Interstellar Admiralty Maritime occupation, policing and response. Not acceptable.

"Monies from the war chests would be diverted to education, various capital improvements (some of which were named), medical research, etc. Unemployment would be banished by new work projects and new inventions (he talked about the peaceful uses of the atom). College admissions would be by merit only. Tests for non-college caliber students would direct them into areas where their special skills would be fully utilized."

* "...Monies from the war chests would be diverted..."
! Money, in truest sense, is that which an individual or group produces above necessities of survival. It belongs strictly to the individual or group, and no-one else. The Liar proposes the same theft and murder and systems which have failed on the Earth. Not acceptable.

* "... College admissions would be by merit only, ...direct them into areas where their special skills would be fully utilized."
! Shades of communism, totalitarianism, mindless insect hive. Fully utilized by what political machine and to what end? This is slavery slipping from the silvered tongue of a Liar. Not acceptable.

Plateu's plan touched all facets of society. Juvenile delinquency was to be educated out of existence, making reform schools and prisons obsolete. Assuming that human nature was still criminally inclined, special schools were proposed where the “social abnormalities" found in offenders would be corrected in less than a half year at the maximum. In the case of direct criminal action, the offender would be sent to a correctional hospital where the ingrown deviation would be eradicated before being returned to society. Incurables would be sent by the authorities to isolated regions where they would live normal lives apart from society.

* ...Juvenile delinquency was to be educated out of existence..."
! The State owns the children, is the parent. Not acceptable.

* "...human nature was still criminally inclined..."
! Human nature is not naturally criminally inclined. It is forced into criminal and other destructive inclinations by adept Liars and manipulators. Not acceptable.

* "...social abnormalities..."
! State the precise conditions of social normalcy. I will be the judge. Not acceptable.

* "...criminal action.."
! Define criminal action precisely. Is it failure to perform condition of social contract? Is it action based on actual criminal intent (to perform tangible damage) as defined by Land Law? Not acceptable.

"I see the future over the horizon but I can't change it; it is destined to be. The next war will be between the forces of good and evil or God and Anti-God. Good will triumph and lasting peace will come to this planet. When war is no more, the symbol of the ruling Christ will eventually replace hate in the hearts of men and peace will reign forever. Out of the ruins of the next war the remnants of mankind will form the nucleus of a new world."

* "...remnants of mankind..."
! Sounds rather like the American Indians whom the Liar calmly observed being genocided without stir of his non-existent conscience. Sounds like the untold numbers of people who suffered death by subterfuge and sabotage over thousands of years by the Liars own admission. Sounds like hostile interstellar corporate takeover of human and physical resources and prime planetary real-estate.


But if they come like gods and if the planet is properly terrorized they will be accepted.

Not acceptable.



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