The book's title Hoodwinked: Watching Movies With Eyes Wide Open refers to an ancient term used in secret societies. "Hoodwinked" is masonic terminology meaning "to blind by covering the eyes," "to prevent from seeing" and "to deceive by external appearances or disguise." It was part of the secret ritual that masons perform, in which the candidate would be blindfolded, a handkerchief or hoodwink would be tied over both eyes, while his chest was bared (indicating his vulnerability), and ceremonial oaths and vows were pronounced over him.
The Masonic Encyclopedia of Freemasonry defines "hoodwink" as "a symbol of the secrecy, silence and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane."
And why should we be tricked while watching movies as "entertainment," one of the favorite pastimes of people around the world?
Ironically nobody expects to be deceived watching movies. After all, movie watching is a function of vision, of using one's eyes to consciously and conscientiously absorb information, while being entertained, amused and/or enlightened. Yet these psychodramas projected on a global scale serve a function. Besides making billions of dollars of revenue for the film producers and distributors, movies are used to project concepts and ideations into the mass subconscious as well as the consciousness of everyone on earth.
Movies constitute the most powerful form of programming yet devised, implanting specific perceptions of the world as well as the subliminal contents of the film itself.
On the other hand, if you understand the programming (or know what you're supposed to believe), you can resist the indoctrination and even learn a thing or two about the agenda of the cryptocracy. Being entertained by the illusion of images floating by, flickering at a rate fast enough to approximate an alternative reality, the movies are a dream that entertains by engaging all the senses to create an Illusion of the Psychodramas of Life itself.
It has been said that "drama" was originally created by angelic beings to show humanity the consequences of various actions and to show what happens when certain roads are taken and other paths left behind. In other words, the cause-effect sequence of karma could be clearly seen by people's thoughts, feelings and activities in such a way that people might choose the higher way rather than the way which leads to pain and suffering.
But what is the secret meaning of movies that exploit, entertain and inevitably gobble up two hours or so of space-time on Planet Earth?
The subtext and meaning of books, movies and art in popular culture is what interests me the most, since subversion, coercion and propaganda through so-called popular culture is one of the most powerful forces of social and political control ever created.
These reviews have all been published in the alternative press, since they were too radical for the controlled media because they connect the dots. In fact, my career as a so-called politically incorrect film reviewer was inspired by my desire to give movie watchers a useful context— describing the story of the drama and adding references from books and films which could enrich anyone's understanding and appreciation.