Yeah,I am not feeling that America has much of a future if the Criminally Insane Association,and other agencies that it has infiltrated like the DEA,Customs,IRS,and corrupted,are allowed to continue to exist.Douglas Valentine ties it together in his book,'The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt
America and the World '
....I’ll try to explain how corruption evolves. When Rothstein was assassinated, the cops ran to his office. He lived in a suite at the Park Central Hotel, but had an office elsewhere. Unfortunately, someone else got there first and grabbed Rothstein’s accounting books. Maybe that’s one of the reasons he was killed? Anyway, panic ensued in New York because everyone was on his payroll. The state Republicans started an investigation that tracked back to Tammany Democrats. Republicans were running for Congress saying, “My opponent was on Rothstein’s payroll and here are the documents.”
Eventually it tracked back to Republicans as well. The scandal also tracked back to the top federal narcotics agents in New York City, and to Colonel Levi Nutt, who had been appointed in 1920 to run the Narcotics Division of the IRS Prohibition Unit. The Prohibition Unit was notoriously corrupt. It was in the Treasury Department and Levi Nutt was in charge of its narcotics unit, and his agents were famous for being more corrupt than the Prohibition agents. The investigation of Rothstein ended up showing that narcotics investigator Levi Nutt’s son-in-law was Rothstein’s tax attorney.
Village cops running the numbers racket with a Mafia hood in the back of a bread truck is Corruption 101. The PhD level course is the son-in-law of the chief of the Narcotics Division writing tax returns for the world’s biggest drug smuggler. One narcotics agent told me there wasn’t a drug deal that went down in Chicago in the ‘40s and ‘50s that didn’t go through the cops to the politicians. That’s still the case today, except they’ve gotten better at disguising it. They’re able to hide the CIA’s fifty billion dollar budget. They’re better at fooling the public too, so you’d never in your wildest dreams think that your protectors are dealing with the people preying upon you. But that is a fact, and that accommodation between crime and law enforcement is the glue that holds the system together.
Their most egregious crime is the systematic falsification of history. What starts out as an agent padding reports becomes, when all those reports are assembled, the myth of the cop or soldier or CIA agent as hero.
FBN Agent Frankie Waters explained it to me. “One of my talents was testifying in court,” Waters said. “It was a situation that terrified me at first, but then I did it a few times and realized I liked it, because it fueled all the grandiose ideas I had about myself. And I was good at it. I could testify about a case made in Chicago!” Waters smiled exuberantly. “They called us pinch hitters.”
It didn’t matter that some agents couldn’t testify well, Waters added, especially in big cases where 20 agents were involved. “Say agent Joe Blow seizes the most crucial piece of evidence, a note that’s essential for the jury to understand the case. Joe’s a great agent but he freezes if he has to speak in front of a crowd. A block away is his articulate partner. I’m the case agent, to whom they both submit their memos. So when I write up the final report, guess who seized the note?”