Continuing with F.Tupper Saussy's work Rulers of Evil; Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies.He gets into Iñigo de Loyola in these chapters,particularly his education,his society,touches on The Black Pope and the 'Holy' Roman inquisition...
...A generation later, the guidelines of the Roman Inquisition under Jesuit direction were published at the command of the Cardinals Inquisitors General. This Directorium Inquisitorum (1584) was dedicated to Gregory XIII, the pope who bestowed upon Jesuits the right to deal in commerce and banking, and who also decreed that every papal legate should have a Jesuit advisor on his personal staff. 4 Here follows a summary of the Directorium Inquisitorum (translated by J. P. Callender, 1838):
He is a heretic who does not believe what the Roman Hierarchy teaches — A heretic merits the pains of fire By the Gospel, the canons, civil law, and custom, heretics must be burned.... For the suspicion alone of heresy, purgation is demanded.... Magistrates who refuse to take the oath for defense of the faith shall be suspected of heresy Wars may be commenced by the authority of the Church.... Indulgences for the remission of all sin belong to those who signed with the cross for the persecution of heretics Every individual may kill a heretic. Persons who betray heretics shall be rewarded.... Heretics may be forced to profess the Roman faith.... A heretic, as he sins in all places, may everywhere be judged.... Heretics must be sought after, and be corrected or exterminated.... Heretics enjoy no privileges in law or equity.... The goods of heretics are to be considered as confiscated from the perpetration of the crime... The pope can enact new articles of faith.... Definitions of popes and councils are to be received as infallible.... Inquisitors may torture witnesses to obtain the truth.... It is laudable to torture those of every class who are guilty of heresy The Pope has power over infidels.... The Church may make war with infidels— Those who are strongly suspected are to be reputed as heretics He who does not inform against heretics shall be deemed as suspected— Inquisitors may allow heretics to witness against heretics, but not for them.... Inquisitors must not publish the names of informers, witnesses, and accusers.... Penitent heretics may be condemned to perpetual imprisonment Inquisitors may provide for their own expenditures, and the salaries of their officers, from the property of heretics.... Inquisitors enjoy the benefits of a plenary indulgence [a full papal forgiveness of sin] at all times in life, and in death.
The Inquisition’s effect, of course, was to send the more resourceful of the “heretics, Protestants and Liberals” who escaped torture or execution scurrying underground, or into the burgeoning world of commerce, or into regions where Protestant civil authorities kept Inquisitors at bay. Yearning for a less intrusive religious experience, they joined attractive philosophical fraternities where they could speak freely against Roman Catholicism. For this ostensible reason, these fraternities or cults or lodges operated in secrecy. In fact, they were the remnants of the Templar network – Rosicrucians, Teutonic Knights , the numerous and various rites of Freemasonry. Like the Templars and the Jesuits, they were religious hierarchies of strict obedience. They differed from the Jesuits, however, in that their pyramid culminated in an ultimate authority no brother could identify with certainty. The highest master of a Lodge received commandment s from an “Unknown Superior,” a Superior whose will the master’s whole struggle up the degrees had trained him to obey without question. What the masters never realized was that this mysterious personage, as we shall examine in more detail later, was in fact none other than the Black Pope.