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Hi Cath!

Posted By: sonar
Date: Thursday, 29-August-2019 19:37:27

In Response To: I Love Pondering (Cathy)

Hi Cath and Susoni!

At the rate I'm going this might end up be a good morning to you both! I'm getting the feeling that Rumormail is too busy for pondering these days with all the grands going back to school and more! :-)

Yes, prayers can be very helpful for many things - don't think I'd still be alive without them! :-)

Celebrity worship seems about the same as guru worship of the “god-in-a-bod” type - just fancy soul-less salespeople and miscellaneous scammers. As you point out - the worst is their influence over young audiences. I remember buying pink, yellow, blue and white(?) “Beatle” ribbons at the fabric store, that we’d safety-pin to the top edge of our knee socks, but soon came Beatle cards and teen magazines filled with all the cute boy bands aimed at anyone whose attention they could get. They transitioned quickly from the commercial to the political application of celebrity worship - from travelling to see their Gurus to Lennon’s Bed-In. We were trained to look up to famous, even just minor people in “positions of authority," but who do children have to look up to today?

Thank you so much for sharing this link! They’re finally beginning to speak the truth, sort of, even if it remains to be seen how extensively and quickly they can put anything practical together. I think that we already know that nano-particles are particularly problematic when it comes to toxins, particularly heavy metals … nano-particles = increased surface area/exposure inside the body. I read up on lead poisoning at one point, and learned that when lead is ingested, in water, for example, only 15% is retained by the body. When it is inhaled, the amount retained in the body soars to 95%. In the early 70’s my father came home for dinner with a very serious look on his face. I would learn that his mechanic, who owned a garage, had to stop work due to lead poisoning. Soon after came both unleaded gas and self-serve gas pumps. Not many seem to remember this, but sometimes things do finally change. As if nobody knows what mercury can do to mental health! At least they’re admitting in a related article that I posted here (you’ve probably read it)
Both viruses and toxins seem to be active in ME.

The inventor of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, had great success with so-called “psychiatric” problems. The pharmacists ran him out of town 250 years ago, and they’re still trying to get rid of his contribution!

They’ve been working hard on all fronts to prevent anyone with with an honest, clear-thinking head on their shoulders from ever getting into a significant position of power. If they show any signs of starting to think for themselves, the bullies start to circle like sharks.

I’d never really listened to the lyrics of “Silence is Golden”, so I was surprised to learn what it’s really all about! In many situations we can’t tell people the truth, or they call us a trouble maker or a liar and attack. We have to choose our battles, as they say. :-)

Nice pondering with you!


: Well Good Morning
: Sonar and Susoni

: I was pondering this morning
: and for whatever reason
: this thought among others
: came to mind

: slowly but surely
: And it will only take
: a few sentences to
: realign thoughts to
: memory ages old

: I too for some reason have been saying
: The Lord's Prayer
: it helps to get thru the insane news
: to put my energy into solutions

: Let's see and where to start

: Taylor Swift
: and her newly founded political statements
: and her petition of 500,000 signatures
: And someone thinking her song to be
: maybe the best protest song in history
: Oh my I said
: let's put this baby to bed

: first off of those 500,000 signatures
: how many are under age
: Taylor's crowds appear to be full of
: screaming underage kids and a lot
: appear to be female
: The kiddies parents paid for their children
: to see a concert not Taylor's unbridle love
: for the Democrats
: What right does Taylor have to insist that
: these kids do as she is
: 12 years some are
: If she wants she can put on a concert for
: over 18 and spew away
: otherwise I take exception to her tactics
: I'm 29 and I love my fans who could be
: mostly under the age of 18

: https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a28841736/taylor-swift-london-trip-white-house-petition-response/

: then this other piece of news
: I found interesting

: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/possible-link-between-air-pollution-and-psychiatric-disorders-study-says-1.4564739

: (snip)
: Scientists think is that small particles of pollutants in the
: air travel through the body into the brain and may cause
: inflammation -- leading to the symptoms of these
: psychiatric disorders. But the theory is based on animal
: studies with little evidence in people.
: Other scientist question the study -- and the connection
: between air quality and the brain.

: supposedly this study could lead to further research

: I thought

: I bet it does
: follow the money and another reason
: for the funding of climate change
: and science goes where the pay cheque
: is going in the future ?

: more money for mental health so say some people
: will amount to even less GP's doctors
: mental health and more designer pills

: are there not people in the world who think
: concretely and some who think abstractly
: I'll be pondering on that today

: Here is a bit of my climate change within
: the air around me
: about two weeks ago I started to notice
: the leaves on the trees turning and the
: night air cooler for this time of year
: Are we in for a colder winter
: which has happened thousands of times before
: really that is my instinct kicking in
: to start checking what needs to be done
: before it turns -20C to -40C+
: just like last winter was unusually mild and not
: a lot of snow
: I've seen snow banks off my deck that a deer
: could walk up to eat the berries left on a tree

: The News and this deafening silence on MSM & Epstein
: The Gift that is going to keep giving
: they hope this goes away
: nobody knows how this happened
: they will

: Kind of reminds me of this cartoon joke
: circulating the net and FB whatever
: it is under the site
: Minions Quotes

: and it says
: How to make a nuclear bomb
: which is a picture of
: Beans and cut up eggs
: well of course I was laughing
: and said to myself
: Well, Beans and pickled eggs
: are more lethal

: If I were to type into google search
: How to make ......... as above
: something is off with phrase
: like it or not

: I think silence is golden

: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n03g8nsaBro

: Cmanynames


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