That would be so cool if he petted my nose and gave me a nose hair coat. Actually, he's an abdicated prince, son of King Midir the Proud; according to Irish legend. When I dreamt of him, he was NOTHING like the Donn I wrote about. The dreamscape Donn was very business oriented for the most part, as far as doing all in his power to help reconsolidate Source. It's been a long time since I had a dream of him, though. There have been a few.
With a mother like Fuamach, I don't see how any sausage casing can not go MGTOW. In the story, he became a psychopomp at 17 after meeting Thanatos, who he ended up developing a crush on during a mind share. Then he just concentrated on his job with no distractions until Macha the Red wouldn't let him alone, not to mention my alter ego driving him nuts after he rescued her from a suicide attempt. . .both on this side of The Veil, and the other.
Please do e-mail me via CGI so I can put you in my contact list.
: It's a "Lucy" - you know, the one with the football
: she pulls away? Sometimes it's done to us consciously and
: intentionally, but sometimes it just happens! Oh yes ...
: something about his boyfriend ... ? I know it's up there.
: That kind of thing just knocks the wind out of your sails.
: Are you saying that Donn took several thousand years to work
: through Its MGTOW?! The future does not look good!
: I'm sure that the actual Donn will pet your nose when you meet
: It, and maybe It'll even, as a prince, buy you an
: exquisitely hand woven nose hair coat. :-) Its a THOOTIAN
: prince, right?