Another works looking at the 80's,amazing how when One studies the engaged narratives, he or she marvels at why he or she did not see it at the time.As I read this on Five Eyes,it just reinforces the idea,that events like 911,7-7,Oklahoma City,and the latest in New Zealand,Christchurch are all State driven events.When one fully comes to grips with the enormity of Five Eyes and it's reach,one comes to realize that none of the above events could have transpired without the State intelligence agencies knowing about them.To think otherwise is just plain folly,and an excuse to not take part in a clear manner of thinking...
..... The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) is the most secret organisation in New Zealand. It is also by far the country’s largest and most significant intelligence organisation, yet not one in 100 New Zealanders would even know its name. This book, which focuses on the GCSB but covers other New Zealand agencies involved in foreign intelligence work, aims to change that. Every chapter contains important information that has never before been published. Readers deserve some explanation of how the information has come to be published—and of why I believe that they should be not just curious or intrigued, but actively concerned about the activities of intelligence organisations.
I began research on the GCSB almost accidentally in mid-1984 when I went with friends to visit the recently discovered Tangimoana signals intelligence station, north of Wellington. (Signals intelligence, the work of the GCSB, involves spying electronically on others’ communications. With so much human activity revolving around the use of telephone, telex, fax and e-mail, it is the most important type of spying in the world today.) When no one appeared from the buildings to tell us to go away, we wandered around noting down everything we could see: from the shapes of the aerials that surrounded us to the number plates of the cars in the station car park.
Much later, a trip to the Post Office provided the names of the cars’ owners, and suddenly a window into the inner workings of the GCSB was thrown open. I had some spare time between projects so I went to a library and looked up the names in the index of the voluminous annual public service staff lists. There they were, listed in an obscure Ministry of Defence occupational class, together with 80 of their colleagues who had also been hidden there. By looking at the lists from earlier years I could see the growth of New Zealand radio interception activities over 30 years, including where they had been based before Tangimoana and their regular postings to Singapore, Australia and elsewhere.
Two years passed before I had time to investigate further. Then it occurred to me that the rest of the GCSB staff were probably also hidden within the Defence lists. Although they were scattered anonymously through pages of ordinary Defence personnel, there was a ridiculously simple way to sort the military from the spies. Using the Ministry of Defence internal phone directory, I crossed out all the names of true Defence staff—leaving me with a virtually full list of the staff and their positions in the secret organization.
It was these staff lists that allowed me to begin to understand what went on inside the GCSB. None of the sources for the lists was secret and since then I have pieced together information from a great many other sources. As with all research, each step forward suggested new ones. Much of the information in the book was obtained from interviews with more than 50 people who are or have been involved in intelligence and related fields in New Zealand and elsewhere. Because of the nature of their jobs, these interviews had to proceed on the condition that the people involved would not be identified. Some of the information arrived in unexpected ways. Other snippets turned up simply because New Zealand is a small place.