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Era of Light Report For 9/8/2019: New Alignments, Freedom, Reality In Transition

Posted By: Liam77
Date: Sunday, 8-September-2019 01:35:43

full report with links: https://eraoflight.com/2019/09/08/era-of-light-report-for-9-8-2019/

Greetings to You! As always from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in [Read more…] your heart. Tune in to the light within you.

Freedom. Freedom in any language is my favorite word, it sounds beautiful in all languages. But to truly be and feel free, it cannot be expressed in writing. Because freedom, not demo-cracy, true unlimited freedom is divine, freedom is the highest value there is.

Now, if one is to blindly turn to the outside world, it may seem that each day our freedoms are being taken away. If one focuses within, connect to the divine being within, you will come to understand that something grand has been in the works here on Earth for the past few decades. And now we are in the final stretch, the last mile, of this tiring, nonetheless so worthy marathon.

Total freedom, not just for one area, but for all of Earth. True equality is to be finally experienced by all of humanity.

The obstacles that have prevented major change have been removed. We have previously stated that many entities at the top of the ladder in particular were given ultimatums, which they refused all of them. So now they are left with nothing. But only to experience their own demise, which is complete.

They now have zero power. Governments, banks, military, are now all in the hands of the Alliance. The mainstream media is also being taken over by the Alliance. You will notice this through the change in reporting on your television.

All portals of light are now open. This means the light entering our world in this moment is not being filtered or lessened by the Galactics any longer. In the past they would intervene so all could adjust to the higher light and feel more comfortable. Not anymore. It is entirely up to each and every individual how they cope with the continuously increasing vibrations.

In the month of September through the Winter Solstice, there are stars beginning to create new alignments in our neighboring galactic worlds. This will directly impact Earth as well. A strong wave of cleansing, followed by a deeper anchoring of divine templates on our world.

The best advice I can give you now is, yes, relax, go with the flow. Remain in the high vibes, no matter what. You may feel sick, insomnia, exhausted, lost. Relax, the old is being dismantled.

You may feel tension, anger in your surroundings and beyond, that's the light pushing through and dissolving the old ways of life. Through this, you may also feel your heart beat faster, and perhaps skip a beat here and there, it is expanding. The capacity to love is becoming infinite.

What awaits just ahead is wonderful news and celebrations for many, while shock and disbelief for others. We are moving forward at the speed of light, we are even surprising the Galactics at how quickly we are integrating the new energies. Once the Creator's dream, now we are becoming reality in a new dimension in this Universe. We are now in the Era of Light.

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