As someone suffering from severe heavy metal poisoning, I've looked into everything that might help. I'm very happy that I finally decided to switch to purified/distilled water. I started with a cheap model, to be sure it was something that would work for me, but I wish I'd gone to the best first, because it only lasted for 2 to3 years. I'd read that pure water washes out only the inorganic minerals, never the organic minerals that are good for our health.
Worth reading through and learning what might be in our water, imo. The effects are cumulative in our bodies, and through generations.
Alarming number of toxic chemicals found in tap and bottled water
by Lori Alton, staff writer | September 9, 2019
(NaturalHealth365) What could be healthier than following up a good exercise session with a generous amount of cold water – right? Well, the problem is – most people are uninformed about the array of toxic chemicals found inside most brands of bottled (and tap) drinking water.
The frightening truth is: despite the water’s crystalline appearance, it could harbor an invisible cocktail of contaminants. For example, a German study published in the scientific journal PloS One found a shocking 24,500 toxic chemicals in a single bottle of water.
Although the study involved bottled water, tap water can also contain a plethora of toxic chemicals. In fact, depending on where you live, some of them (such as chlorine and fluoride) are virtually guaranteed to be in the water that flows from your kitchen faucet.
Editor’s note: Click here to register now for a complimentary LIVE water webinar , hosted by yours truly, Jonathan Landsman. In this webinar, we’ll be “diving deep” into the health threats posed by contaminated drinking water. But, more importantly – at the end of the webinar – you’ll be offered the same water purification system that my wife and I use at home, at a very special “NaturalHealth365 Group Buy” price. Don’t miss out.
Toxic chemicals in drinking water can inhibit hormonal activity by an astounding 90 percent, study says
To conduct the study, the team tested 18 samples of commercial water brands currently sold around the world.
In addition to finding over 24,000 toxins, the researchers discovered that the chemicals mimicked the effects of powerful pharmaceutical drugs. And, some of them greatly interfered with the activity of estrogen and androgen, a pair of sex hormones.
Estrogen regulates the menstrual cycle, and also affects the reproductive tract, brain and cardiovascular system. Androgen, an estrogen precursor, helps to regulate muscle development, sex drive and the growth of placement of fat cells.
The main culprits in the endocrine disruption, the researchers discovered, were maleates and fumarates – compounds used in the manufacture of plastic resins utilized in water bottles.
Warning: In addition to adversely affecting development and reproduction, these endocrine-disrupting chemicals may also trigger cancer, cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders – all excellent reasons to avoid them at all costs.
Bombshell: Brand-new study links fluoride with lowered IQ in boys
A study of over 600 pregnant women (published just last week in the well-respected journal JAMA Pediatrics) showed a correlation between consumption of fluoridated water during pregnancy and lowered IQ in male offspring.
The researchers even worked out a formula for assessing the harm. Simply put, the team learned that if a mother’s urinary fluoride levels increased by 1 milligram per liter, her son’s IQ score dropped by 4.5 points.
Dr. Edward Group, a long-time supporter of our work – here at NaturalHealth365, has long maintained that fluoride is an endocrine disruptor and neurotoxin that can damage the thyroid and pineal glands.
There has been a recent backlash against fluoride – which is customarily added to municipal water in an attempt to supposedly prevent tooth decay. The chemical has been completely banned in several countries – and over 300 cities and communities across North America have rejected water fluoridation as well.
Having said all of that, experts point out that the results of this groundbreaking study are so compelling that they may lead to changes in public policy.
Chlorine can act as a “double-edged sword” that raises cancer risk
While chlorine can kill dangerous pathogens in drinking water, it can also pose a threat to health. For example, Dr. Group reports that certain organic compounds in water – when combined with chlorine – can create toxins called trihalomethanes.
Much more at the link: