Interesting read from Walter Bowart on the psychological war they have been waging on the American people for the last 72 years.I am not sure enough people take this seriously enough...
.... The prostitution of the mind by our secret police preceded the murder of the mind. To attain the advanced techniques now available to "magnetic and attractive"political personalities, it was necessary to turn out the laboratories of science as a pimp turns out his heartless whores upon the winter streets; our hallowed educators, army and navy and air force commanders and personnel, the beloved medical profession, august and inspiring temples of the law, our esteemed statesmen, and all Americans living and dead. Each one of those groups is involved in this dismenibering of the mind. Taxes and the collective conscience make the urination of the secret police upon the human mind possible. "Brainwashing" per se is no news to any of us. Controlled assassins are not known to us only through fiction. Advertising assaults on behalf of poisonous materials to induce us successfully to buy and consume are early on bastions of mind control.
No one—not anyone—needs theologians to answer the question: "Where does the soul live?" We know the soul lives in the mind because the soul is the mind in all of its unfathomably intricate individual conditioning. It is the mind of intent, of hope, of purpose, of achievement by the spirit beyond achievement by physical action. When Grock's father broke his son's legs in eight places there may have been alarm, on the one hand, that a man could do such a calamitous thing to his son but, on the other, the same people responded to Grock's genius to which those hopelessly deformed legs had contributed, and roared with laughter. That was the normal reaction when we were the audience and crazy-legs Grock was the clown. But Walter Bowart demonstrates to us in this book that we have become Grock. We are the spinning, hobbling, waddling clowns in the eyes of our vividly delineated secret police.
"Oh, no!" (Can you hear the outcry?) Oh, yes, writes Walter Bowart in this fearful record you now hold in your hands.
Apologists rush in, hired for all such occasions from everywhere, by the secret government crying out, "You are, as usual, like all of your exaggerating kind, making a mountain out of a molehill. While it may (or may not) be true that our secret police occasionally swing the sledgehammer on little minds, it is (or is not) being done as a patriotic act to protect our beloved people." They reel backward, hands clutching chests as the full realization seems to hit them. "My Godl Bowart cannot believe that our government of the people, by the people, and for the people would use such loathsome forces against citizens. If such research were done (or was not done) then it would be for purely abstract research reasons—for the expansion of human knowledge."
Walter Bowart's book is also a freezing vision of the mutations of the aspirations of science. Scientists, educators, and their leaders, The Great Men, having stumbled upon the possibility of controlling the human mind, might well have withheld this knowledge from the secret police and brought it forward for all to share, would you not say? If the means are at hand actually to enter and control the mind—not through the far-off smoke signals of psychiatry and psychoanalysis—can we conceive of what might be found in terms of medical triumphs, the conquest of pain and of group hatreds, and mental energy released by unraveling the Gordian knots of mental perplexity to make one straight laser line that might then pierce the doubts and fears which beset each one of us? In terms of education light-years ahead of the educational means we presently employ, in basic and advanced learning of cultures, languages, and skills; in short, understanding each other across the face of the world, this development of Mind Control makes the invention of movable type seem like a primordial grunt from the shadows of a rain forest lost in time.
What has been achieved by the secret police in relation to mind control is scrupulously set down in Walter Bowart's extraordinary book. The question the book puts is this: do you wish this immeasurably important technique to remain as a weapon to be used against you and your children by what Bowart calls the cryptocracy, or do you wish to use it as a universal key to unlock a thousand new chances that your children will not be murdered in future wars?