A while ago I posted a link about a young Jewish woman who left a tour in Israel set up to influence young people like her to perhaps settle there. She compared the treatment of Palestinians to Jim Crow. The Palestinians are not "immigrants" who were brought in for any reason, but native people of the region. I find the Palestinian situation to be far more comparable to that of the native peoples in too many parts of the world.
Yes, there are a few more references to Greta Thunberg in this article.
September 25, 2019 at 13:57
What use is a future without freedom?
What use is a future without freedom? How can one create a good climate and prevent a climate catastrophe without rising against the suppression of freedom – without achieving freedom and freedom of expression for Palestine? Let us imagine: a Palestinian girl would have sat down in front of the German Reichstag or the Federal Chancellery – with a poster “School Strike for Freedom” in front of the chest. Would she have noticed a passerby? Hardly, since this topic is withheld from young people in the schools. In fact, the Nakba belongs in all public schools – as well as the Holocaust. Both are inextricably linked. The right to support the BDS movement (boycott, disinvestment, sanctions) must be an integral part of our society and must not be criminalized as anti-Semitic.
Preserve democracy and freedom of expression
All public institutions and officials are required and obliged to protect and defend these rights in order to preserve democracy and freedom of expression. That’s why it’s worth pushing for “Friday for Freedom” marches. Together with Muslims and committed citizens, we should build a lobby that opposes the indifference to Palestine, the hatred of Islam and the climate poisoned from it.
However, German politics has done nothing for the freedom of Palestine, but it has contributed to make the misery of oppression and occupation worse each year. With German weapons and German support, the Merkel government has actively contributed to this “climate deterioration” in Palestine – otherwise the constant repetition of the reference to the “two-state solution”, but with the support of Zionist slogans and the right to “self-defense”, when it really comes to hegemony, violations of international law and Judaisierung. Anyone who has “given” the raison d’ętre for his safety – like the “Jewish state” thanks to Merkel – does not need to fear for his right to exist. And that’s the big mistake that undermines our Constitution, because the existence of this state does not correspond to the constitutional paragraphs. No, the existence of the “Jewish state” in its present form must be called into question as long as the question of Palestine is not clarified and a sovereign state has not emerged for all its citizens in a healthy climate with equal water distribution.
While frantic young activists roam the cities Friday through Friday, skipping school attendance, politics are struggling to accommodate this new movement and take the lead. It seems to me frightening how a 15-year-old autist managed to trigger such a demonstration tsunami, almost out of nowhere. Let us remember: on August 20th, 2018, a frightened-looking girl with a fixed look and depression sat in front of the Swedish Reichstag (Riksdag) with a placard in front of her chest saying “School strike for the climate”. She wanted to continue until Sweden follows the climate agreement of Paris.
Chosen follower of Jesus?
How is it possible that in such a short time, such a movement was possible in which it was almost canonized. Pope Francis praised her, and a Swedish church congregation compared her to Jesus as a “chosen successor”. Already she is being traded for the Nobel Peace Prize after being awarded a prize by Amnesty International. I see in it a great danger coming towards us. For if it is possible to put this type of mass hysteria to fruition so quickly, then this can be a real danger with other protagonists and populists. Who controls Greta Thunberg and with what ulterior motives and interests?
Much more at the link: