I have had another Blog called Reflections of Life on a Rock,that I have been letting sit idle for a couple of years now.A couple of times I started to write,but each time something within me just said, 'it does not feel right',and I deleted what I had written.In the past I have had trouble controlling certain emotions when,I write,particularly anger that tended to manifest itself in Language unfit for public display.
I am happy that I was able to overcome that flaw in my reflection of my personality.And where I failed miserably the first time,I now seek redemption in the eyes of those who's trust I failed some years back.What it comes down to for me, is that I have grown tired of reading,not that I plan on stopping my history blog,I will continue it,but for the sake of our grandchildren,and my own peace of mind, now is the appropriate time for me to find my voice in a manner that would make my mom proud.
So anyhow this latest production with the impeachment talk of the Second Coming of Tell a vision personalities has me feeling like my favorite sailor."That's all I can stands, I can't stands no more." The first narrative that I am going to think out loud about are these here United States,because the narrative we were taught about it,is not matching up with the later scenes of this long running play,that we have been witness to now for coming up on 56 years later this fall....
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