Hi there
last night in Quebec Canada a leaders
debate took place and only 4 of the
leaders were in the debate
4 moments from the TVA French-language leaders debate
Scheer landed a few punches of his own on Trudeau, saying the Liberal leader is a "fraud" on climate action because his party is the only one that is flying two gas-guzzling airplanes around the country as part of this election campaign.
The Liberal Party confirmed it has a second jet, saying it is used to ferry cargo and technical equipment from one destination to the next to give workers enough lead time to set up ahead of campaign events. A spokesperson said the party had the same arrangement in 2015.
The Liberals said they have purchased carbon offset credits to cover greenhouse gas emissions generated from both planes and the campaign's ground transportation. The Conservative party has not.
so in Canada
the Liberals have levied a 4% tax on carbon
which is literally a tax on top of taxes when you seriously about it
we have gasoline taxes GST and PST on gas taxes and now the
carbon tax
Sheer a conservative is going to cancel the carbon tax
because each provinces is working on emission reductions
one province Ontario has followed California system of
Cap and Trade
even that term should make you cringe
knowing that a Jesuit is in place in Rome
last time that happened
they nearly wiped out the native population
of North America
another province Quebec has a similar cap a trade emission reduction
as you can see from the article
so back to this 4% carbon tax that will be collected from all Canadians
that 4% will be sent back to Canadians under a certain income
BC another Province with a carbon tax
has gasoline prices -- 20 to 30 cents higher
than other provinces
other Provinces Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba for sure are
fight in court to stop this tax
I'd have to check if there are any other provinces have joined in
Sorry --- I think Ontario has joined this court case ?
the Eastern Provinces PEI, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and
Newfoundland are provinces laden with obscene taxes already
the 3 territories -- are suffering from the highest food prices
probably in the world
The High Cost Of Food In Nunavut Should Shock All Canadians
this year,alone, food prices in Canada have risen by 8%(+)
just a side note here
there have been all kinds of food recalls as well
flour, meat vegetable ---staples anyone?
so back to the 4% going back to lower income people
so the one's that don't qualify for the carbon tax credit
are obviously the elite
It appears that they can buy electronically carbon offset
credits for showing on the books that they are carbon neutral
think Gore and DiCaprio -- they get to buy carbon credits
to offset their carbon foot print
thru the cap and trade system
the push right now on climate change
and we only have 10 or 12 years left
before we are all dead hysteria is
shining true light on the fiasco
the EU and its socialism system
obviously can not sustain its
welfare state
they need this world wide tax
to get themselves out of the
cow pie bull sh*t they have
placed themselves in
Canada which this Climate Group
says it is one of the highest emitters per capita in the world
has a population of approximately 38 million
not even the size of the State of California
and a land mass that California would fit into probably 100 times over
I've been watching these news articles on planting trillions of trees
to offset this C02 from rising
California was in the news recently introducing a tree planting scheme
see all the fires in the forests -- well they had not cleared the underbrush
and trees that have fallen - for years
so this new tree planting thing is going to save the world
which totally makes these fires suspicious of "Were they set?
At the level of decision making on a 25 year plan
the tree planting C02 reduction scheme would have been
one of the top schemes right from the get go.
smelly smelly smelly
I'm sorry I have not checked for sp & grammar
I must run or I'll be late for an appt.