When you find yourself wondering how the world got the way it is, there are all sorts of causes and conditions to point to and ALL OF THEM might have something to do with it but blaming any one of them is short sighted and forces you, at a minimum, to negotiate this world with one eye closed- at least. Paul Joseph Watson gives some of the most riveting examples and incisive commentary I've yet seen in his latest rant. This is REALLY amusing.
You don't have to wander about for very long in the land of insta-pop opinion to find clear and concise analysis, IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. What the man says in this link may well be true as far as surface interpretation goes but... NO ONE... NO ONE... has yet been correct in their predictions about the world at large. People have picked the right teams in sporting contests. Sometimes they even get the right score. People have gotten rich predicting what someone else might do at a card table. People have gotten rich predicting which stocks will go up or down AND have likely been wrong more often than not, in the long run. However... when it comes to the state of the world, ALL I have ever observed is people being partially correct for a limited time frame and wrong about most of the rest; often not even taking into consideration the REAL intentions of the players because they may well not know what they are, nor what the conditions really are and then... there are the cosmic forces of Nature and the Invisible Planes of Above and Below.
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