I've been scrolling through the media of the day; the usual suspects and the home port (for the moment) at Pocketnet. After awhile it all gets a similar feel of being either an outright lie, or something woven into a tapestry of colors and thoughts to transmit an idea... sometimes I'm in agreement and sometimes I'm not and it doesn't make either one right or wrong just because I think it might be. I've yet to have enough information on most anything to be a qualified pundit. I've only got my opinion like everyone else, which, like everyone else, is a personal portal into that place where the sun does not shine. It is a sad thing that, in these times, that is the location far too many people get their information and their positions from.
The truth about the world is like a blob of Mercury on a mirror. Interestingly, the mind and its characteristics are very similar to Mercury and just as hard to pin down, which is what makes Concentration such an accomplishment. Many of us think we are capable of real concentration but on that I would have to disagree. Were we able to concentrate with force, we could cause whatever we could imagine in our mind to materialize before us. There are those who can do this but they are not to be found in the public square; most of the time. Faith can be teamed up with Concentration to wonderful effect and that is the reason for the scriptural phrase, “Faith is THE SUBSTANCE of things UNSEEN.” We all have heard the term, 'created out of thin air'. Come to think of it, some people do that with money but... I digress. God created the entire universe through the application of certain abilities and made it out of himself. I should here point out that God, in manifest expression, has dual persona. I should add there is more than that as well.
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