Although he is hard to understand,he could very well be on to something here.I put nothing past these reprobates after the events of the last 18 years.He suggests perhaps some type of Hydrogen bomb,but 'they' will suggest it was nuclear.Take a look at what the main difference between the two type bombs is...
In contrast, the first test of a thermonuclear weapon, or hydrogen bomb, in the United States in November 1952 yielded an explosion on the order of 10,000 kilotons of TNT. Thermonuclear bombs start with the same fission reaction that powers atomic bombs — but the majority of the uranium or plutonium in atomic bombs actually goes unused. In a thermonuclear bomb, an additional step means that more of the bomb's explosive power becomes available.
A bomb of this size I would imagine they would throw some State under the false flag bus.Given that it is a city on the Pacific,they could be going all in with this one,as they have been throttled in the Middle East in their attempt to start WW3.I believe nothing they say about relations between Russia and the United States, so that leaves Red China as the victim of the Western Bankers again.Keep your eyes open folks for 11,3,19.I do not know why it could be anything else but the conditioning,but for many years,I have had a bad feeling about our stadiums in the fall of every year,since that day in New York.If you have family in Seattle,do as The Spirit leads you.