The treason was not stopped 80 something years ago,and I highly doubt anything will be done about it now.Secret Military Tribunal's? White Hats? Galactic Alliances?,and lets not forget their closer Q. All theater for the gullible....who actually think something called a reset is going to make things right...time for me to make the Lurch sound...
...In 1948 after many complaints about U.S. policy not being carried out in Germany, Congress held an investigation. The Ferguson Committee report was released April 15, 1949, but the Army still refused to carry out U.S. policies. Alexander Sacks an American official trying to carry out these policies said: “The policies of the Roosevelt and Truman Administrations have been flagrantly disregarded by the very individuals who were charged with the highest responsibility for carrying them out.” For his honesty he was promptly fired, although he was reinstated. 53 U.S. corporations were afraid that if the Nazis were prosecuted, their own involvement would be revealed.
Martin warned about the dangerous power of the large corporations that governments needed to control. He complained that our government had not stood up to this great economic power partly because of a belief that corporations do not need to be governed. “We cannot allow the lack of social responsibility characteristic of the international behavior of private corporations during the last quarter century to become a pattern for government.” He understood that economic power must be brought under some kind of responsible control. “Since power is a public trust, the first job of a government is to see that power is used in the public interest and not against it. This is where a government must be different from a corporation....National governments in all parts of the world have granted power over segments of their national economics to various corporations....” to “build a private 'world government.' This new order, stretching far beyond the boundaries of any one nation, has operated under no law except the private law of the agreements themselves....It is time to view the results of this abdication by constitutional governments in favor of private governments.” Martin warned that just as the large corporations brought Hitler to power, unless something was done to limit corporate power, something similar could happen in the U.S. 54
....Frederick C. Howe acknowledged in, Confessions of a Monopolist in 1906, that a monopoly was essential to acquire great wealth and the best way to establish this was through politics, making society work for the large corporations under the guise of public interest. The welfare state, fascism, communism, and socialism are really similar means used by the corporate elite to gather wealth and control the people. Those who reject the view that there is a secret government in control and that these groups intend to remove the Constitution and establish a police state should carefully reflect on our history early this century. The corporate elite attempted to establish a dictatorship then so it should not surprise the objective observer that these forces are now attempting to do the same thing. As politicians demonstrate every day, the rule of law has been replaced by the rule of money in America.
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