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Re: ALL CGI AGENTS - PLEASE READ - ...about Proselytizing...

Posted By: Mike
Date: Monday, 28-October-2019 19:21:20

In Response To: ALL CGI AGENTS - PLEASE READ - ...about Proselytizing... (Susoni)

I feel led by the Holy Sauce (Pasta be praised!) to expound upon the marvelous Wisdom of the One True God, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Be good to yourself and be good to others.

With that done, I would like to invite all to be Children of the God who likes to watch everyone be happy.

Additional information: Holysauceavailabletoanyoneatanytimeandinanyflavoratnocharge.



: Hi Everyone,

: We recently had a discussion, in the RMN agents lounge, and I
: thought we should move that discussion to CGI, as well.
: Needless to say it was a lively debate (21 responses) about

: 'freedom of speech' and trying to keep the lid on the
: endless religious groups trolling our site for promoting
: their opinions. They come from several religious groups.

: Posting up a quote (from various ancient texts)on a prophecy
: that seems to be coming true is A-OK. It's just not OK for
: any of us to push an agenda..

: Thanks,
: Lynda

: Hobie posted up the original post and we felt it prudent to
: remind everyone here, too.

: From Hobes: ...about Proselytizing...

: Hi, All -

: Terms of Agreement for CGI Reporters have always included this
: item: No Proselytizing.

: I believe Raye thought that was part of the Terms of Agreement
: for RMN Agents, too. But it wasn't. :) At her request I've
: just added it to those Terms.

: The primary definition of proselytizing involves seeking to
: convert folks to a particular religious paradigm. But its
: usage goes further than that. This is from Wiktionary:
: (intransitive, transitive) To advertise one’s religious
: beliefs; to convert (someone) to one’s own faith or
: religious movement or encourage them to do so.

: It is illegal to proselytize [children] in some countries.

: (intransitive, transitive) To advertise a non-religious
: belief, way of living, cause, point of view, (scientific)
: hypothesis, social or other position, political party, or
: other organization; to convince someone to join such a
: cause or organization or support such a position, to
: recruit someone.

: He has the annoying habit of proselytizing [his political
: views] at parties.

: I think, for our purposes, the issue would be whether what
: we're posting COULD BE VIEWED as proselytizing by our
: Readers.

: Lynda and I both have received e-mails from Readers who have
: something they want to say, but we have turned them down,
: either because of the tone of their writing or because they
: are proselytizing based on particular beliefs - and who
: don't understand why their proselytizing is not the same
: thing as some of what they're seeing in the Reading Room,
: and so they demand, "What about freedom of speech?
: What about presenting a balanced view of things?"

: It's useful to remember that RMN is essentially an
: "alternative news site", one that presently has
: the form of a "news aggregator with its own commentary
: writers" and that has a prime directive stated this
: way by Rayelan: "To reveal and thereby thwart the
: plans of the worldwide conspiracy that wants to destroy our
: civilization and replace it with a feudal slave
: state."

: Anyone wishing to comment on this topic here in the Lounge
: should feel free to do so.

: -hobie

: (I don't have permission to post up any ones responses, here.
: However, I'll post up mine.)

: That's exactly the point, E.. :-) Pointing towards Vatican
: Lies, Zionist &...

: (from me)

: Hi E,

: No, not censorship.. Just a basic set of rules to follow that
: if we don't adhere to, it could digress into front page
: wars on whose right or who is wrong. This isn't a policy
: change to suit anyone it's always been Rayes ideal. Just
: not enforced very much.

: We regularly point out Vatican lies, Pedo priests (in any
: religion) Zionist schemes and murders, or forced Islamic
: domination and/or crimes. THESE THINGS ARE A-OK!! Please
: don't stop!! No one is asking nor wanting any of us to do
: that. When someone crosses the line, expose the &astards..
: What Raye is asking us to do is get back to reporting the
: crime but not add that we're correct and everyone else is
: wrong.. Or if we do state a religious opinion, add that
: it's our opinion and only our opinion.

: Lynda

: (from me)

: Lately, We've been Inundated with Muslims and Others pushing
: their narative..

: Hi All!

: .. Or rather they are trying to demand their point of view
: with angry rebuttals. I usually just hit delete. BTW, I've
: been meaning to ask you agents. Do any of you get emails
: from enohopi?? C Harrison?? Or Prophetmohammad?? These
: three like to play tag team with responding to agents
: posts. If there is no email addy to respond to, I get them
: by default. These three especially love to respond when
: anything Christian or Caucasian oriented is posted.

: Proselytizing: There is a huge difference between saying,
: "is this prophecy coming true?"(then quoting a
: verse from some ancient text) or saying, "(Place your
: saviors name here) is the only way to heaven."

: There is no doubt about it that conservative points of view,
: guns, whites and Christians are under attack. It's in TV
: shows, movies, books and the lame stream news on a daily
: basis. I suppose our task is to report on the battles
: without telling our readers that your way is the only way.

: I'm sure we can all agree that we have different points of
: view, differing religious beliefs, or none at all. That's
: OK!! Each have their own journeys.. I don't want to know
: who you pray to, I want to know if your soul is full of
: love and if your spirit sparkles.. :-)

: Lynda

: (From hobie)

: 'enhopi' writes me every day, often 2 or 3 times. That was one
: of his I asked about in this thread.

: --hobie

: (a readers email example from hobie)

: A Reader e-mail - is it proselytizing?

: Hi, All -

: Here's an e-mail from a Reader. Is this in any way
: proselytizing? What do you think?

: - - -

: The Book of Enoch, Chapter 90, verses 20-27.

: “And I saw till a throne was erected in the pleasant land, and
: the Lord of the sheep sat Himself thereon, and the other
: took the sealed books and opened those books before the
: Lord of the sheep. 21 And the Lord called those men the
: seven first white ones, and commanded that they should
: bring before Him, beginning with the first star which led
: the way, all the stars whose privy members 22 were like
: those of horses, and they brought them all before Him. And
: He said to that man who wrote before Him, being ONE OF
: THOSE SEVEN WHITE ONES, and said unto him: ' Take those
: seventy shepherds to whom I delivered the sheep, and who
: taking them on their own authority slew more 23 than I
: commanded them.' And behold they were all bound, I saw, and
: they all stood before Him. 24 And the judgement was held
: first over the stars, and they were judged and found
: guilty, and went to the place of condemnation, and they
: were cast into an abyss, full of fire and flaming, and full
: 25 of pillars of fire. And those seventy shepherds were
: judged and found guilty, and they were cast 26 into that
: fiery abyss. And I saw at that time how a like abyss was
: opened in the midst of the earth, full of fire, and they
: brought those blinded sheep, and they were all judged and
: found guilty and 27 cast into this fiery abyss, and they
: burned; now this abyss was to the right of that house. And
: I saw those sheep burning and their bones burning.”

: Is Donald J. Trump one of the seven? Was he Chosen to drain
: the swamp of the 70 groups eating and killing humans?

: The Book of Enoch, Chapter 62, verses 1-5.
: 1 And thus the Lord commanded the kings and the mighty and the
: exalted, and those who dwell on the earth, and said: ' Open
: your eyes and lift up your horns if ye are able to
: recognize the Elect One.' 2 And the Lord of Spirits seated
: him on the throne of His glory, And the spirit of
: righteousness was poured out upon him, And the word of his
: mouth slays all the sinners, And all the unrighteous are
: destroyed from before his face. 3 And there shall stand up
: in that day all the kings and the mighty,
: And the exalted and those who hold the earth,
: And they shall see and recognize How he sits on the throne of
: his glory,
: And righteousness is judged before him,
: And no lying word is spoken before him.

: 4 Then shall pain come upon them as on a woman in travail,
: [And she has pain in bringing forth]
: When her child enters the mouth of the womb,
: And she has pain in bringing forth.

: 5 And one portion of them shall look on the other,
: And they shall be terrified,
: And they shall be downcast of countenance,
: And pain shall seize them,
: When they see that Son of Man Sitting on the throne of his
: glory.

: 6 And the kings and the mighty and all who possess the earth
: shall bless and glorify and extol him who rules over all,
: who was hidden.

: Why was Donald J. Trump praise and extol Jesus during his
: inauguration speech?

: Was the Alien Ultimatum published in 2014 the return of the
: Son of Man and his armies? Is that why Pope Francis said
: Jesus was an alien?

: Was the Secret of Fatima about Enoch’s prophecies Great
: Chastisement From Heaven that would be meted out against
: the wicked?

: Third Secret Tells of a Spiritual Chastisement: Loss of Faith,
: Faltering and Punishment of the Pastors, Diabolical
: Disorientation
: Link
: https://www.tldm.org/news10/thirdsecretspiritualchastisement.htm

: Lucia of Fatima, Part III: The Infamous Third Secret
: Link
: https://onepeterfive.com/lucia-fatima-infamous-third-secret/

: Will Americans be forced to face and accept many uncomfortable
: truths?

: Stay tuned…..


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