Shimatsu dishes the dirt on Bloomberg and a number of others.
Bloomberg Is Candidate Of Choice For Trans-Atlantic Pedo-BDSM Plutocrats
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to Rense
If Mike Bloomfield had run for president, I surely would have endorsed that guitarist from the Chicago blues era, but unfortunately he's been pushing up roses over the past three decades. The good die young whereas the corrupt get richer and evermore ambitious. Instead of listening to a snappy riff from that iconic musician who reminded the high-flying rock generation of their down-to-earth roots in the muddy Delta blues tradition, Americans will soon be asked to vote for the very personification of soulless Wall Street greed, Mike Bloomberg, multi-billionaire owner of the world's most straitjacked media behemoth and former three-term mayor of post-911 New York City.
On the Satanic Majesties Inquest
A proverbial picture worth ten-thousand words was snapped at the 2014 Buckingham Palace knighting of the former mayor of New York City and publisher of Bloomberg financial news. Although not a dual citizen, Mike Bloomberg is a snooty Anglophile, in American parlance a Tory, through his first wife, a wealthy Jewess Briton, along with his long-time ownership of a $20 million house in posh Cadogan Square. His London digs are located in Knightsbridge, a tony London district mentioned in The Rolling Stones lyrics: "Your old man took her diamonds and tiaras by the score, now she gets her kicks in Stepney not in Knightsbridge anymore. So don't play with me, 'cause you're playing with fire." (Stepney, by contrast, is a slum on London's East End inhabited by immigrant Azkenazi Jews at the time Brian Jones and Mick Jagger wrote that song, which is a warning to nouveau-rich Jews who've forgotten their place in the social pecking order.)
The retired NYC mayor grew up the son of a dairy bookkeeper born in Brighton on the south bank of the River Charles in Boston. His success story as an early promoter of online data is a legend as questionable as Jeffrey Epstein's role at Bear Stearns. Nowadays Bloomberg thinks he's another Franklin Delano Roosevelt out to save the world from the Nazis, a bold ambition for this humble "democrat" of net worth S56 billion, sufficient to buy the presidency or so he assumes with lordly arrogance.
During his 2009 campaign for an undeserved third term as New York City mayor, Lord Bloomers spend $102 million, or more than $170 per vote. That's called plutocracy, or rule by the wealthy, derived from Pluto, the ancient Greek god of the Underworld with his trove of precious minerals. The incumbent President Donald Trump by comparison has a mere $3 billion in assets. Nevertheless there's not going to be a fire sale at the White House, unless Lord Bloomer's British allies torch it again.
Tory Treachery
Let's not dwell here on Mike Bloomberg being a turncoat in the same league with Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild. It's more intriguing how he's acted as the protector of filthy-rich patrons of BDSM clubs in the Meat Packing District, sadomasochism being part of the second British invasion led by punk rock's Sex Pistols and their manager Malcolm McLaren. Then there's Lord Bloomers' pseudo-media service delivered to subcribers' computer screens, Bloomberg L.P. , a limited partnership with Merrill Lynch and his former colleagues from Salomon Brothers, the cheatingest brokerage staffed by air-head traders, as recalled in Michael Lewis's book "Liar's Poker". The ever-cautious tycoon has made sure this biography is missing key pages, especially about his doings in the UK.
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