Then what's the point of arranging to die before age 5? Just to make a pain in the butt of yourself and have people waste resources on you for the sake of making them waste resources on you? Unless you specifically arranged to be a transducer, which everyone from Leonardo de Vinci to Chris Ballew (The one that wrote that horrible song, 'Peaches', which was done solely to torture the listening audience until a better song came on.) is, why even come here? Why do so many people volunteer to be Dalits or be born into favelas, etc. . . Gods, percentage wise there are so many of those. Does dying at 6 months from starvation help one to evolve?
I swear, it seems the human race is addicted to liabilities both before and after we're born. (Noses too, 'cause I've been there.)
I can't begin to understand. Statistically, 'cept for five and a half years of my life (I'm on the edge of 53), I've had a way better life than most. I've accomplished a ton, like everything I've wanted to do. Now I call myself retired from life. I'm just waiting for my sentence to be up, and due to my experiences I've come to the conclusion that this realm is absolutely DISGUSTING. I'm not sure I'd call that evolution, but maybe it is.
Oh yeah! We're all from Source. Source particles gone wild. OK, Souce is the biggest nutter in existence. 'Splains everythin'!