A very interesting article. If I might comment?
It is often quoted that the love of money is the root of all evil, but that is not correct. The love of monetization, of everything, is the root of evil. Money is whatever tradeable thing a man can produce beyond basic sustenance and facilitates equitable trade of goods and services and is life. Monetization is valuation of life itself. For example, a carbon tax has nothing to do with controlling carbon. It's about controlling the emitter, the human body. If it can be taxed, monetized, it doesn't belong to you.
Before kings there were types of leaders natural to the Earth. Kingship, king of ship, was let down from the heavens. It is a function of interstellar corporate/maritime law, not natural to the Earth. Priests and kings are two officers of the same corporation.
Interstellar traders have been ransacking the planet for a long time. They have more than the deception of fiat currency. They have actual magic and very powerful technology.
In short, actual magic is based on authority with the ultimate lawful authority on Earth being that of the individual. Once the individual or group has been convinced to surrender inherent authority to "superiors" it's game over. The superior can now author the future of those concerned. This is not the silly Wiccan types of magic which are so common. This the real thing and it can move planets into strange orbits where they can be "legally" captured as derelict vessels in the interstellar seas. It can do a lot more, even rewrite time and thus history.
We have been taught that power is important. It's not. Power can do nothing unless it is authorized to perform. Authority is the only thing of importance. Power for the sake of power is just stupid, but the idea sells well.
Their technology is everything you see around you plus the ninety percent more that they keep secret. It's astounding.
Those who came from the heavens, from the deep, to the Earth didn't come in ships. They travel the interstellar plasma highways traveling star to star and galaxy to galaxy in the blink of an eye. Technology.
Those highways are unimaginably extensive.
"These dim structures are made of hydrogen gas and dark matter and take the form of filaments, sheets, and knots that link galaxies in a vast network called the cosmic web."
Eventually "scientists" will figure out that dark matter is just manifestations of electrical current.
El Whoever. Of the El.
: In the comments below the Amazing Polly video in Natural
: Wisdom's post,
: Amazing Polly zeroes in on the impeachment witnesses (Vindman,
: Yovanovich and XXX) and the Russian-Israeli spy pipeline
: I found a comment recommending Captain David Astle's Book,
: Babylonian Woe, available on-line. A search brought me a
: number of choices, including John Kaminski's discussion of
: it at Snippits and Slappits. It is a fascinating overview
: of Astle's book, including some images. I wish the text was
: the conventional black on white, but ....
: Sonar
: https://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2010/05/babylonian-woe-conspiracy-against-life.html
: Originally from John Kaminski
: Many people have told me that, to them, history is a dead
: matter to be left where it is ~ in the past ~ so they can
: get on with the future. It has always been alive to me and
: the older the culture, the more fascinated I was. I am no
: scholar but still press on, learning whenever I can. The
: except following is one of the most amazing things I have
: read in many many years.
: Those who change our history, those who rewrite that which
: was, are stealing from us all. YES, stealing our heritage
: and our true memories. Today for these they substitute
: emptiness or, equally criminal, false tales to move us in
: the direction THEY wish. By removing our memories, of
: course history repeats itself. Meanwhile they learn from
: the experiences while we only save ourselves in the nick of
: time, and history is slowly changed to denigrate our
: achievements. Or lost in the fogs of time.
: These are things I have learned about all my life; I am called
: "fanciful" or "imaginative" or
: "nuts" However I ask you this. WHO removed the
: books and wisdom that spoke of the past ages of man,
: leaving us to eke possibilities from a few forgotten clues?
: Meanwhile, the wisdom of those past ages is kept by these
: others and used against us because we are naive, trusting,
: and UNEDUCATED to what really was!
: THAT is how important history is. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
: The following excerpt from “The Babylonian Woe” by Capt. David
: Astle is the first thing that has actually tied in the past
: with our future on a level even my simple mind can grasp.
: Here you have an amazing read that should leave you
: understanding more than you already do. This is one of the
: most amazing things I have read in many many years. That is
: all I can say. Read it and let it sink into your
: consciousness and see what surfaces.
: I have also thrown in some of my own deductions and
: conclusions as I read along, my words are all in this deep
: green. The illustrations come from me as well to illustrate
: connections since we are such visual creatures. After this,
: I hope you are inspired to dig into our deep past and
: realize, it did not start with Egypt. It did not start with
: Sumeria or Ur or any of these places. Keep on digging....
: Sargon, Mesopotamian King
: . . . in their folly the men of the city are willing to wreck
: our great city, being won over by wealth. False are the
: hearts of the people's leaders. ~ Solon, 600 BC
: From earliest times and apparently without exception down to
: the present day, the leaders of nations have been the
: puppets of money men who hire them to rob the people they
: pretend to rule.
: Artist's rendition of the City of Lagash
: From the ruins of Lagash, a city-state in ancient Sumer c.
: 2400 BC, where archaeologists unearthed the estate of a
: banker that was much larger than the king’s, up on through
: the fabled empires of Egypt, Assyria and ancient Greece,
: each of which was finally consumed in flames due to the
: machinations of the always secret international money
: power, humanity has always ruined its own paradise by
: letting the incredible lure of money overpower its own
: common sense.
: In his book “The Babylonian Woe,” the late Capt. David Astle
: (1916-2008) shows that the legends recorded in the Old
: Testament reflect the history of the international money
: power, and eerily parallel what is happening now.
: http://yamaguchy.netfirms.com/7897401/astle/astle_index.html
: (readers who click this link should be forewarned the book is
: badly edited and arranged, yet nevertheless contains
: extraordinarily rich detail of ancient events, which seem
: alarmingly similar to what’s happening today).
: From chapter 7: “Through “liberalism,” and so-called
: “progressive teachings” . . . (the) international money
: creative force seems to have brought the host land of Egypt
: to where it was at the time of Akhenaton (1375 to 1358
: B.C.), and the Tel Amarna letters which tell of
: self-destruction and decay, the rejection of old values and
: beliefs, and the indifference of the a Egyptian rulers to
: their trust, and to the crumbling of Empire.
: "The degeneracy and complacence of the age was revealed
: by the fruitless outcry out of Asia from the vassals of the
: Pharaoh; being particularly exemplified by the despairing
: pleas of king Abdikhiba of the most ancient city of
: Jerusalem for assistance against the pressure of the armed
: assaults of the Habiru.”
: Tell me true: is this not the way things are today? These same
: forces have wreaked their havoc on every generation between
: then and now.
: photo are Hassidic Jews; i.e., the most devoutly pious Jews
: in the world. They are the true descendants of Abraham. On
: the other hand, the Zionists, whom they clearly and openly
: protest against, are not Jews at all, but are descendants
: of the Hyksos Pharos of Lower Egypt. The Hyksos Pharos
: were, in turn, descendants of the Cannanites who, in turn,
: were from ancient Babylon and Sumer ~ the birthplace of the
: global elite's "mystery religion," as well as the
: birthplace of what we call "civilization." The
: people who run Israel are ZIONISTS, NOT JEWS.
: Yet this is a story we have never heard. Part of the power of
: money, it seems, is that stories about itself ~ about what
: money really does ~ are seldom written, and less often
: published. The real history is seldom known.
: Much more at the link:
: https://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2010/05/babylonian-woe-conspiracy-against-life.html