Hi S and M..
I meant to comment on this yesterday.. Totally agree, S, on the falsification of history. We are literally watching them erase history right now. As the old saying goes, history belongs to the victors..
I tend to agree that they use some sort of space folding or traverse giant magnetic highways ... If they do, would that also be a form of time travel? After all, light travels at a certain speed. If they travel at a speed faster than light they supersede time and possibly space.. ??
When you mentioned the EL word, it made me think of all the words that begin with EL, or something associated with the EL's.. Speaking of a weird one, why did they name it the EL bow??
A few weird El words, which I'm sure both of you are aware of.
EL ectricity
El der
El ection(s)
El ect
El ectoral vote
El egant
El ephant
El even
El ectron
El F
EL ves
El igible
El ite
El ate
El usion
El ysian
El k
A very interesting article. If I might comment?
: It is often quoted that the love of money is the root of all
: evil, but that is not correct. The love of monetization, of
: everything, is the root of evil. Money is whatever
: tradeable thing a man can produce beyond basic sustenance
: and facilitates equitable trade of goods and services and
: is life. Monetization is valuation of life itself. For
: example, a carbon tax has nothing to do with controlling
: carbon. It's about controlling the emitter, the human body.
: If it can be taxed, monetized, it doesn't belong to you.
: Before kings there were types of leaders natural to the Earth.
: Kingship, king of ship, was let down from the heavens. It
: is a function of interstellar corporate/maritime law, not
: natural to the Earth. Priests and kings are two officers of
: the same corporation.
: Interstellar traders have been ransacking the planet for a
: long time. They have more than the deception of fiat
: currency. They have actual magic and very powerful
: technology.
: In short, actual magic is based on authority with the ultimate
: lawful authority on Earth being that of the individual.
: Once the individual or group has been convinced to
: surrender inherent authority to "superiors" it's
: game over. The superior can now author the future of those
: concerned. This is not the silly Wiccan types of magic
: which are so common. This the real thing and it can move
: planets into strange orbits where they can be
: "legally" captured as derelict vessels in the
: interstellar seas. It can do a lot more, even rewrite time
: and thus history.
: We have been taught that power is important. It's not. Power
: can do nothing unless it is authorized to perform.
: Authority is the only thing of importance. Power for the
: sake of power is just stupid, but the idea sells well.
: Their technology is everything you see around you plus the
: ninety percent more that they keep secret. It's astounding.
: Those who came from the heavens, from the deep, to the Earth
: didn't come in ships. They travel the interstellar plasma
: highways traveling star to star and galaxy to galaxy in the
: blink of an eye. Technology.
: Those highways are unimaginably extensive.
: "These dim structures are made of hydrogen gas and dark
: matter and take the form of filaments, sheets, and knots
: that link galaxies in a vast network called the cosmic
: web."
: https://www.sott.net/article/423867-Cosmic-web-Growing-evidence-that-the-universe-is-connected-by-giant-structures
: Eventually "scientists" will figure out that dark
: matter is just manifestations of electrical current.
: El Whoever. Of the El.
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