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The EL-bow: Impossible Archery and The Need to Win and ... Gra-El

Posted By: sonar
Date: Friday, 22-November-2019 08:03:58

In Response To: Great Find Guys.. On A Pseudo Topic.. Words that Begin with 'EL' (Susoni)

Hmmm ... a pivotal point. Made me think of the archery video below that I was considering posting for fun, and a few other things ...

To my knowledge, root words, prefixes, suffixes, primarily Latin and Greek, were taught and practiced explicitly in primary school up until the early 60's. This aspect of words was not taught to my 2 years younger sister, and you will no longer find any explicit phonetics or anything in todays' school programs. I've written papers and programs on this. I'm working hard to get well enough to prepare it all for publication. It's fun to wonder about things especially if it's something of particular personal interest, but I don't have much time to invest in it when there are so many more fundamental issues.

With my brain inflammation etc., in general, changing the subject or just going off on a tangent is not my idea of a discussion or conversation - it hurts my brain and it shuts down. Even while driving it hurts my brain to turn a corner - there is one that I avoid altogether by taking a slightly different route.

The EL that I have been interested in for a long time recently became a renewed focus with Anna Von Reitz' Nov. 8th post, the Gra-El Kings, and the Faery Accord that was violated by the eating of flesh.

"Many people are talking about the "Fourth Dimension" and "Fifth Dimension" but what they are talking about isn't related to dimensions at all. I suppose it is because they don't have a vocabulary yet to describe what they are trying to express, so we wind up with misnomers.

"Our physical reality is cast in terms of a complex multi-layered information field with many layers. Those layers are not "dimensions". They are frequency fields, that bleed into each other the same way that radio stations fade in and out and become "solid" when you hit the right frequency on your radio dial.

"Thus there are recent reports of ghosts and giants walking among us and reports of people being possessed by demons and reports of gigantic "planets" being visible in near-space, and reports of strange beings identified as Extra-Terrestrials, and so on.

"What is actually happening is a disputed changing of the guards and stewards of this planet and a mandated resolution of the claims of the Gra-El Kings against the rulers of this world---- and the healing of the Faery Accord that pre-dates all other known charters, claims, or treaties in this world.

"The Faery Accord was violated by the eating of flesh.

"The Creator of this world never intended that we would eat the flesh of the animals which He also created and blessed with life. There was never meant to be a "Law of Tooth and Claw" upon the Earth."

I have yet another book to read, but eventually I hope to post something on that. Her comments on "dimensions" and "frequency" are interesting, aren't they, Lynda? :-)

Sonar (There is a bit more below the video ... and I hope I've done enough proof reading! :-)

Lars Andersen: Impossible Archery, Vol. 1
Oct 22, 2019


Archery precision trick shooting, never done before.

I am trying to break the limit of what is possible in archery, this is the first video, with a new collection of some of the new things I have learned since I last made videos.

Some shots were hard to execute, some only required a single shot.
Remember I have spent crazy many many hours for many years of archery and then impossible things become possible.

Why do trick archery ??
Trick archery was once a natural part of many historical archery traditions, because war archers trained various variations, as one does with all other weapons.

There really are many different options in archery, and no "real" archery
I think:
If you choose, just one type of archery,
then you miss out a lot of fun !!

Lars Andersen


“The Need to Win

When an archer is shooting for nothing He has all his skill.
If he shoots for a brass buckle
He is already nervous.
If he shoots for a prize of gold
He goes blind
Or sees two targets –
He is out of his mind.

His skill has not changed, But the prize
Divides him. He cares,
He thinks more of winning
Than of shooting –
And the need to win
Drains him of power.”

― Thomas Merton, The Way of Chuang Tzu

As above, so below. I could never understand how anyone could think that space is a vacuum, no matter how many times the "authorities" repeated it. What would support the planets? Wouldn't they all just be floating/bumping around aimlessly as is shown with the help of wires in "documenting" weightlessness in the "vacuum" of space? LOL!


: Hi S and M..

: I meant to comment on this yesterday.. Totally agree, S, on
: the falsification of history. We are literally watching
: them erase history right now. As the old saying goes,
: history belongs to the victors..

: I tend to agree that they use some sort of space folding or
: traverse giant magnetic highways ... If they do, would that
: also be a form of time travel? After all, light travels at
: a certain speed. If they travel at a speed faster than
: light they supersede time and possibly space.. ??

: When you mentioned the EL word, it made me think of all the
: words that begin with EL, or something associated with the
: EL's.. Speaking of a weird one, why did they name it the EL
: bow??

: A few weird El words, which I'm sure both of you are aware of.

: EL ectricity

: El der
: El ection(s)
: El ect
: El ectoral vote
: El egant
: El ephant
: El even
: El ectron
: El F
: EL ves
: El igible
: El ite
: El ate
: El usion
: El ysian
: El k

: A very interesting article. If I might comment?


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