full report with links: https://eraoflight.com/2019/11/26/era-of-light-report-for-11-26-2019-palaces-collapsing-ascension-energies-bombshells/
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
We truly are on the fast track towards a new reality.
Change continues to unfold on all levels. What once used to be “behind the scenes” is now more and more coming to the front, for all to see.
The dark ones, at the top of the ladder, with all the power they “had”, are now retreating. They have accepted the fact that they are finished. And there is nothing that they can do that’ll change their fate.
“Palaces” are collapsing. The princes and princesses, the kings and queens with the dukes are dissipating.
Their puppets in government positions are not falling one by one, but instead now they fall in groups.
That is all for today.
Archangel Michael: Age of Aquarius
What these portals do is bring in more of the higher energies that then become available to all upon the planet. Those who seize this opportunity are doing so for the higher good of all. » Source
The Real Bombshell of the Impeachment Hearings
The most shocking thing about the House impeachment hearings to this point is not a “smoking gun” witness providing irrefutable evidence of quid pro quo. It’s not that President Trump may or may not have asked the Ukrainians to look into business deals between then-Vice President Biden’s son and a Ukrainian oligarch. » Source
Judas Iskariot: Karma Lifted From Earth
A heavy karma is being lifted from the Earth and it is in its death throes now. The air will then become easier to breathe. » Source
Benjamin Fulford Full Report: War On The Queen
The battle for the Planet Earth has heated up again as mass-murdering Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is indicted, while U.S. President Donald Trump declares war on Queen Elizabeth. » Full Report
Maha Chohan: Speaking with God
The inner light, the flame in your hearts is the orientation through this time – and keeping this flame burning is your most urgent task. » Source
Enerdy Update: SOULar Winds
Energy Update: This is the second day that Gaia is within a stream of high speed SOULar winds, up close to 550 km/sec in the moment. “Earth is entering a stream of solar wind flowing from a sprawling hole in the sun’s atmosphere. » Source
The Thyroid’s Role in Regulating Your Sex Drive
In general, sex drive gradually decreases as we age. Original research from the 1950s by Dr. Alfred Kinsey found that a man’s sexual peak was age 18, while a woman’s sexual peak tended to be in her mid-20s, with the downward slope from there varying from person to person. » Source
Ashtara: Your Astral Travel Visits to our Starships
Firstly, I am ever so pleased that my messages have reached so many Lightworkers around the world, your Gaia. It is vital at this time for all Lightworkers to connect to their StarChildren, or blended children. » Source
DMT Puts Your Brain in a “Waking Dream” State, New Study Shows
A study led by a team of researchers at the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, recently published in the journal Scientific Reports, demonstrated that people under the influence of DMT (or dimethyltryptamine) show brain wave patterns similar to a dreaming state while they are awake. » Source
California Parents Flood School Board Meeting Regarding Mandatory Vaccines and Sex Indoctrination
They brought a proposal to make their community a “sanctuary city for parental rights,” claiming that if illegal immigration can be protected by a sanctuary status, then so can parental rights. » Source
Yeshua: Ascension 101
I have heard you asking, “What is this thing about ascension? Why should I be interested in ascending? I kind of like my life here. I mean, there are a few parts of the body that sometimes speak to me and do not make me feel exactly comfortable, but I like the physical life. » Source
Rudy Giuliani Threatens to Release Biden Crime Docs if he Disappears
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani in on fire and put the DC swamp and their liberal media stenographers on notice on Saturday. Giuliani reminded the DC swamp that he previously cleaned up mafia in New York and asked them, “Do you honestly think I’m intimidated?” » Source