We reach the conclusion of F.Tupper Saussy's work: Rulers of Evil,I have to admit he went somewhere I did not expect, when I first opened the book.His take on the mark makes sense to me given history,a snip from each chapter....
.... WE LIVE IN THE New World Order, just as people under Augustus Caesar did. Not a future thing to be feared or avoided, the New World Order is a present reality to be identified, understood, and dealt with in a way most pleasing to God.
It was God, after all, who established the New World Order. We can read about it in the Bible. In fact, the Bible is the only record we have that publicly and truthfully sets forth the essentials of the Order’s origins and development through time.
The Bible records the great decisive events in the progress of human life up to the close of the first century AD. Creation of earth and the fullness thereof, creation of man and woman, their turning away from God, the first conception, the first birth, the first sacrifice, the first murder, the first insignia, the first city, the first and only great flood, the surviving family and its peculiar relationship through time with God, all of this momentous data is given in the Bible with a stark truthfulness that is invariably supported, often to the surprise of many, by the results of scientific inquiry.
... It’s to Rome’s advantage that the Christian gospel be mistrusted, for any soul that mistrusts Christ is Rome’s lawful prey. It’s to Rome’s advantage that governing bodies be rebelled against as tyrannical, for rebellion against tyrants is disobedience to the glorious gospel. Much as I despaired over the vicious taking of innocent life in the Waco massacre, I had no choice but to see it as a rather standard Church-Militant inquisitorial procedure against perceived rebelliousness.
ATF Special Agent Davy Aguilera’s affidavit, 31 which resulted in the warrant under which governing bodies invaded the Davidian compound, dutifully listed the scriptural errors of David Koresh. According to the affidavit, Vernon Howell adopted the name David Koresh because he “believed that the name helped designate him as the messiah or the anointed one of God ” (p2). Yet one group member stated that Koresh’s teaching “did not always coincide with the Bible” (p11). This allegation is supported by Aguilera’s finding that the “anointed one of God ” and his followers had spent at least $44,000 on guns and explosives during 1992 alone, including hand grenades and rifle grenades, gunpowder and potassium nitrate (p6) .
Where in Scripture are the anointed ones of Christ told to stock up on destructive weaponry? According to Aguilera’s inquisition, “David Koresh stated that the Bible gave him the right to bear arms” (p15). Where in the glorious gospel is an anointed one of God given the right to bear arms? Koresh prophesied the immanent end of the world, “that it would be a ‘military type operation’ and that all the ‘non-believers’ would have to suffer” (p9). Where in Scripture are Christians commanded to make war against non-believers? From the Inquisition’s standpoint, the Davidians paid lip-service to Jesus Christ but demonstrated a substantive infidelity to Him by infringing upon the ancient Cain franchise the mark – which flows through the United States government from the black papacy.
Against Christ’s commandment, even while professing scriptural knowledge , the Davidians chose to brandish deadly weapons – weapons that Cain could envision pointed at himself someday. How could any mark-bearing ruler resist mobilizing sevenfold vengeance in self-defense? How could Cain resist holding these professed Christians responsible under Christ’s warning at Revelation 13:10 : “He that killeth by the sword must be killed by the sword”?