I totally get it with the anger aspect, the problem now is that the pond scum PTB are so desperate,they are using every means and chance to deflect attention from themselves,and thus we are seeing more and more 'incidents',where they 'label' someone or something in an attempt to cause further strife and division.Been a big sports fan all my life and it saddens me to see how they have weaponized the players and coaches. I cannot believe how many people are being forced to apologize for something they SAID in years past. In fact a hockey coach was fired for something he said to a player 10 years ago. Don't get me started on Don Cherry(I know you know what happened to him and why). I could go on for hours on this subject, but not without cussing up a storm, so I refrain from writing or talking much about current affairs. Right with you in Spirit though,as we watch some peoples end...
: Hi There
: Have not written for a while
: I found myself getting to involved, which was
: provoking an angry that needed to be ask "why?"
: Was it in my day to day family life
: was it the crazy more crazy news
: it was not
: It was being quiet and focusing on stuff that people are
: not paying attention to; yet it is in the news
: Stuff like the Army-Navy games
: and some jack@** suggesting a
: O.K. hand signal as .. white suprematist
: so in Gretta language
: Who the hell do THEY think THEY are
: by saying that ... last time I looked many of
: many colours and race proudly serve the US!
: HOW DARE THEY try to divide the military of the US!
: along political party lines
: THEY have whoever is in power backs!
: and so THEY should
: https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2019/12/15/west-point-investigating-cadets-hand-symbol-army-navy-game-possible-white-power-link/
: THEY are going to investigate this
: DON'T waste your time it is complete crazy
: and another BIG waste of taxpayer money
: somewhat degrading to the troops
: If they want to O.K. signal that THEY got your/our backs
: you have at it and you be d@m proud
: just a bit of anger going thru me when
: you try and use a military for this
: Another off the wall article this week was
: some nutcase in (I think Virginia is going to call in the
: National guard in regards to something surrounding gun
: controls
: You useless piece of sh*t
: using THEM for that
: I don't think so
: THEY ought to refuse
: that is not their job to pick political sides
: Some won't comply
: It is disgusting for the strongest military force on this
: planet
: to be put in these types of situations
: and frankly very dangerous
: So I say to the slimy press .. butt the hell out
: It may turn out being the complete opposite of what you say
: or what you were expecting achieve
: as we have seen in the news lately --- you look like fools
: and you just might need one of these O.K. people
: that have your back, some time in the near future
: and they will not be there for you
: and you will whine and make up more stories ..
: I recommend both parties do not put the military
: of the US thru the same bulls*t that has been
: going on for the last 3 years
: just a bit of anger
: but I thought I'd contained myself
: and actually tried to stay focused on being politically
: correct
: which is also referred to in years past, as being polite
: I'm as polite as I can be
: O.K.
: I'm not a US citizen
: but if I can figure it out
: many have already done so
: don't investigate
: it is an O.K. got your back signal
: nothing more and nothing less
: Cmanynames