You only become a ghost if you die while your appetite has an erection. That's why they are called 'Hungry ghosts'. I'm tired of radical homosexuals and transgenders. I'm tired of Hell's Angel leather nuns with chest hair. I'm tired of normalizing the abnormal and tired of drag queens bouncing small children on their tumescent laps. I'm tired of freaks who get prickly heat sweats from watching snuff films. I'm especially tired of the deranged slug bodied liberals, who want to legalize everything and which leads only to a quagmire of flaming nihilism, in an entropic swamp. I'm tired of people not having the courage to stand up against the enemies of humanity with their Talmudic horrors that make Sharia look like kindergarten recess.
It's been a few years since Mr. Apocalypse told me what he was going to do about it all. There were moments of occasional despairing, as I waited and hoped in one hand and shit in the other ...but I see it happening now and it is a beautiful thing. I don't want to become a victim of Schadenfreude and rub my hands in glee, as these pathetic monsters are stripped naked, rolled in pig shit and marched up a virtual Fifth Avenue to a Fife and Drum band.
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