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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Common Ground Independent Media

I’m selling unconditional love for $0.00 on Craigslist

Posted By: HotCoffee
Date: Tuesday, 24-March-2015 18:39:04

100000ft2 – I’m selling unconditional love for $0.00


(Update March 15th: Over 1 million viewers. Thank you for your interest.)

Hello, I am selling unconditional love for $0.

Infinite square feet lot. Includes refreshing air, sunshine, the Earth, beautiful mountains and the ocean. A stunning ‘classic’ heritage made 4.5 billion years ago.

Address: Earth, Solar System, Milky Way.

Available now to serious buyers. Perfect for the first-time buyer and experienced investors feeling empty and trapped with stress and pressure to maximize Return on Investment because of family and stakeholders expectation.

I received it a long time ago when I was born. I received the gift of life from my parents, the sun, the water, the Earth, the air, a smile, a hug, a helping hand, without being asked anything in return. I didn’t earn any of them. They belong to public domain, the commons, “Mother Earth” or God, if you’re religious.

At some point, my ancestors were afraid and decided to own land that once belonged to everyone, sell services that were once freely given, and even own humans through debt. Since it was claimed or stolen by those who made the laws themselves with a series of ‘legitimate’ transfers, then any law that enforces private ownership is perpetuating a crime. Not all laws are morally just. Only recently, slavery was legal and women weren’t allowed to vote. Why pay for something that was stolen from you? They made a mistake. I’m sorry. Let’s start fresh with this new sale.

Although I am only one human and my time and resources are limited, my soul and the intention of love is eternal, and so is yours… and I would like us to share that experience.

I don’t accept cheques or mortgage payments, only cash payments of $0. You are also welcome to re-sale it for $0. But I must warn you… it will multiply once you do.

If you would like to join this incredible investing opportunity, you can email me by clicking on ‘reply’ to this post or visiting gifteconomy.ca

Thank you,
The seller

P.S: Yes, I am for real. If you’d like to learn more about me, the seller, you can read this article on the Vancouver Sun. I’m a cancer patient who believes that love can heal me. http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2014/06/09/unemployed-man-offers-to-pay-strangers-rent-for-a-year/

PPS: If you are disappointed and missed out on the $51 million Point Grey mansion recently sold in Vancouver, then you are in luck. What I am offering is priceless.


Unconditional love is in high demand in today’s Vanvouver housing market. I will give you a 100% commission of $0.00 on the sale. Please inquire for details!

12 March: Two prospect buyers contacted me.
13: A real estate agent is interested in representing this sale. One new prospect.
14: 3 new buyers.
15: An organization called Sustainable Human shared this to their 1 million fans… many new buyers.. Thank you!
16: It looks like it went viral. Here’s one of a few articles people emailed : “Craigslist Ad for ‘Unconditional Love’ Reaches Over 1 Million Views. Read more at http://expandedconsciousness.com/2015/03/15/craigslist-ad-unconditional-love-reaches-1-million-views/

Comments from viewers and buyers:
“The best real estate ad ever in Vancouver.”
“Hi, I have been suffering from severe depression and anxiety for years. Your ad and the article about your gift circle gave me something I haven’t felt for what feels in forever… Hope.”
“Greetings. I am interested in investing ALL of my wealth, totalling $0.00, and would ask that you offer any real estate of my surplus $0.00 to those less fortunate.
“Thank you for the smiles. <3 I am hunting for a home, dreaming that one might be affordable…I loved reading your ad. It was reassuring to my soul.”
“Thank you, bless you!!! YOU have sent out the best medicine to us all.. “
“This is the best sale in a human history . . .”
“WE need this. My husband and I are fighting separate battles against depression, anxiety, addiction, and the everyday injustices of immoral lawmakers. We may lose our home.”
“Is it a dream? your ad, if its for real, made me cry out of emotion, since I believe is the way to return to our healthy connection with mother Earth and ourselves, as a human community with relationships anchored in Love, no more fear. “
“This is the best sale in a human history . . .”
From a 14 year old: “I was actually talking to my sister recently, and she asked about my iPod Touch that I had stopped using, because I’ve switched to my mum’s old iPhone 4s, so I asked “what were you planning to do with it?”, and she told me about this gifting circle and little about your story. I was beyond interested. I mean, what kind of 14 year old isn’t interested in cool stuff, and being able to chip into the city she lives in?”

Frequently Asked Questions:
“Why are you selling the Earth for $0?”
I’m simply correcting the housing bubble. The Earth’s asking price for its abundant gifts to us has always been $0.00.

“Do I have to be a good person to deserve this gift?”
No. The Sun rises on both the evil and the good, the Earth’s rain falls on both the righteous and the wrongdoers.. That’s the Sun’s and the Earth’s unconditional love to all of us. We didn’t earn any of it.

“What does free property have anything to do with unconditional love?”
Everything. Here’s a beautiful poem that may answer your question: “”Even After All this time The Sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.” Look What happens With a love like that, It lights the whole sky.” – Hafiz, A persian poet of the 1300.

“Can you do that? Is this legal? What if the government evicts me?”
Since I’m returning the Earth which rightfully belongs to everyone, then it makes all previous legal title claims over the Earth invalid. Love is rebellious and revolutionary.

Please, live and eat freely on this Earth wherever you choose as long as it does not cause harm to others. If your government enforces an eviction based on outdated and immoral private property laws, which ignored the formal laws of the commons and of indigenous people, then you can simply show them this “new” title deed of the Earth’s unconditional love which I have sold to you for $0.00. If they refuse to accept it, you may wish to take them to their own Supreme Court to change this law, and who knows, you may eventually win because what I stated above is based on historical facts.

“Am I alone in buying unconditional love? Who else is doing this?”
You’re not alone. For example, there is the Law of the Rights of Mother Earth passed by the President of Bolivia. Indigenous cultures and ancient cultures lived this way. If you’re Christian, perhaps you could use your Canadian rights of religious freedom to live on the Earth based on Acts 2 and 4. “Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.” This is not legal advice. Please consult your lawyer. Whatever path you decide is up to you!
The truth of the matter is simple. Love, the Earth, the Sun and the stars are not for sale and they cannot be owned for any other price than $0.00.

Can I repost this ad in my city? Can I translate it in my language? Can I share, copy, re-sale, edit, etc on my blog, news website, etc?
Yes. My public content is un-copyrighted, no rights reserved, and free to use, mix, etc, by all life forms including cats… I claim no ownership to my thoughts or pictures because they’re not ‘mine’ to own. I’m not a possessive guy, unless it’s chocolate cookies… Use your own name if you wish, no need to credit me. There’s an infinite amount of unconditional love, so feel free to look for buyers and re-sell it. The Earth’s unconditional love is yours. Why not post it in New York, London, Tokyo, Sydney, etc? Go for it.

“Would you accept £0 as well?”
Yes, I accept all foreign currency as long as it’s 0.00.

“What interesting emails have you received since posting this ad?”
Someone sent me an inspiring letter from the Chief of Seattle in the 1800. I found this inspiring and would like to share it with you: “The President in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? … One thing we know – there is only one God. No man, be he Red man or White man, can be apart. We ARE all brothers after all.”

“This is amazing. How can I find out what happens with this sale?”
This ad will expire in 45 days due to Craigslist’s rules. But that’s okay because Love is eternal. And when I have time I’ll be posting updates on my Facebook if you want to follow: https://www.facebook.com/brown.rice.12



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