Why do people still worship the magic parchment called the Constitution?
Rhode Island is the only State that put the vote for the Constitution to its Citizens.
All other States passed it by committees..
The Citizens of RI rejected it by an 11 to 1 margin.
When Congress convened, that Congress passed a resolution to blockade RI for rejecting the Constitution.
RI, under duress ratified that Masonic Document before the law was to take effect.
The reason people worship it is that they do not read it.
Who wrote the magic parchment?
Masons, for their own purposes of having power.
Who is refereed to with the proper nouns?
Masons and THEIR posterity, not yours.
ALL Constitutions are Masonic.
Constitutions are nothing more than debt compacts.
Read all the exceptions clauses and the emergency clauses.
There is no law in an emergency.
How many emergencys are we under now?
This country has been a de facto government since 1/2 of Congress walked out in the 1860s.
This country has been under martial law since.
There is a military base in every State which identifys every State as being under military control.
There does not have to a be soldier on every corner to be under martial law.
All the Courts and Justice department are under the Executive Branch. There has never been a separate Judicial Branch.
Our High school history classes are nothing but propaganda.