Waiting for the Impeachment Hearing this Monday... images of the world in motion... Time, Space and Causation, being the only mediums the mind can perceive through... Cognize... Cogitate... Think man! Think! Speed of Sound, Speed of Light, Speed of Thought. These three rates of motion bring interesting ideas into the mind. The speed of sound is around 700 hundred something miles an hour. I think the speed of light is around 186,000 miles a second. It's more fun for me if I don't look information up and provides the necessary unequal playing field to my opponents (I'm guessing I have a few). I like to think of it as something like wheelchairs for people who can't walk. We've also got hearing aids these days and I hear they're pretty good but they still haven't come up with thinking aids. Why is that? Oh... they are working on them and planning on putting in back doors.
Anyway... we don't know what the speed of thought is but I have heard it is instantaneous. Apparently, realized masters and even the odd Fakir, with the necessary yogic power (siddhi), could transport themselves, with the power of thought, to anywhere in the universe at the speed of thought. However... what if there is no atmosphere? What if the atmosphere is toxic AND... what if there is an admission fee and they don't have the right currency? These are some of the things you have to think about when you are moving around at the speed of thought.
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